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Contents of Creation Matters 10(5)

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1. Williams, EL; Howe, GF. 2005.

Herbivores and Plant Volatiles: Part 2 - Caterpillar Oral Secretions
CM 10(5):1,5. CELD ID 20348.

2. Oard, M; Vardiman, L; Wieland, C. 2005.

Cold Comfort for Long-Agers: Hugh Ross' Superficial Interpretation of Ice Core Data
CM 10(5):2-4. CELD ID 20349.

3. Coppedge, D. 2005.

Have we been sold a bill of goods about feathered dinosaurs and bird evolution
CM 10(5):6-7. CELD ID 20350.

4. Coppedge, D. 2005.

Dover I.D. trial calls star witness
CM 10(5):7. CELD ID 20351.

5. O'Quinn, JC. 2005.

All by Design: Feeding in the dark: Part 1
CM 10(5):8. CELD ID 20352.

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