1. Humber, PG. 2005. Uncle Tom, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Creator ChristCM 10(2):1-3. CELD ID 20320.
Uncle Tom, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Creator Christ
2. Anderson, K. 2005. Why a statement of belief?CM 10(2):1,4. CELD ID 20321.
Why a statement of belief?
3. Bergman, J. 2005. Will other states follow Ohio's example?CM 10(2):5-7. CELD ID 20322.
Will other states follow Ohio's example?
4. Humber, PG. 2005. Evolution fails predictability-Creation passesCM 10(2):7-8. CELD ID 20323.
Evolution fails predictability-Creation passes
5. Coppedge, D. 2005. Molecular motors do balletCM 10(2):8. CELD ID 20324.
Molecular motors do ballet
6. Coppedge, D. 2005. Butterflies really know how to flyCM 10(2):8-9. CELD ID 20325.
Butterflies really know how to fly
7. Coppedge, D. 2005. Go to the roach, thou robotics designerCM 10(2):9. CELD ID 20326.
Go to the roach, thou robotics designer
8. Coppedge, D. 2005. Whose side is unenlightened?CM 10(2):9. CELD ID 20327.
Whose side is unenlightened?
9. Coppedge, D. 2005. "Impressive" memory capabilities of honeybeesCM 10(2):9-10. CELD ID 20328.
"Impressive" memory capabilities of honeybees
10. Coppedge, D. 2005. Soft tissue from dinosaurs found: Intact cells and blood vesselsCM 10(2):10-11. CELD ID 20329.
Soft tissue from dinosaurs found: Intact cells and blood vessels
11. Coppedge, D. 2005. Descendents can overcome parental mutationsCM 10(2):11. CELD ID 20330.
Descendents can overcome parental mutations
12. Coppedge, D. 2005. Migration Theory Overturned: "Mammals went crazy" -or did Darwinists?CM 10(2):11-12. CELD ID 20331.
Migration Theory Overturned: "Mammals went crazy" -or did Darwinists?
13. O'Quinn, JC. 2005. All by Design: Accidental antifreezeCM 10(2):12. CELD ID 20332.
All by Design: Accidental antifreeze