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Contents of Creation Matters 1(6)

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1. Wood, TC. 1996.

Ancient DNA?
CM 1(6):1-3. CELD ID 3936.

2. Williams, P. 1996.

Creationist Unity
CM 1(6):4. CELD ID 3937.

3. Humphreys, DR. 1996.

Creation Wins One!
CM 1(6):5. CELD ID 3938.

4. Tyler, DJ. 1996.

Swedish Museum Opens
CM 1(6):5. CELD ID 3939.

5. Wolfrom, G. 1996.

Speaking of Science: Dating Methods
CM 1(6):5-6. CELD ID 3940.

6. anonymous. 1996.

A Service to Local Creationist Groups
CM 1(6):6. CELD ID 3941.

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