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Contents of Creation Matters 1(1)

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1. Lester, L; Wood, T; Wolfrom, G. 1996.

CRS Begins Newletter
CM 1(1):1. CELD ID 3920.

2. Williams, EL. 1996.

Rapid Petrifaction of Wood
CM 1(1):1. CELD ID 3921.

3. anonymous. 1996.

Dr. Duane Gish: Crusader
CM 1(1):2-3. CELD ID 3922.

4. anonymous. 1996.

News in Science
CM 1(1):3-4. CELD ID 3923.

5. anonymous. 1996.

Logo Design
CM 1(1):4. CELD ID 3924.

6. anonymous. 1996.

Book Review
CM 1(1):2. CELD ID 3926.

7. anonymous. 1996.

News in Science
CM 1(1):2-3. CELD ID 3927.

8. anonymous. 1996.

VARC Volunteers Needed
CM 1(1):3. CELD ID 3928.

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