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Contents of Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 9(2)

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1. Bergman, J. 1995.

Mutations and Evolution
CENTJ 9(2):146-154. CELD ID 4895.

2. Oard, MJ. 1995.

Book Review: Of Pandas and People: The Central Question of Biological Origins
CENTJ 9(2):155-156. CELD ID 4896.

3. Snelling, AA. 1995.

Book Review: The Age of the Earth
CENTJ 9(2):157-160. CELD ID 4897.

4. Oard, MJ. 1995.

Book Review: The Desert's Past: A Natural Prehistory of the Great Basin
CENTJ 9(2):160-161. CELD ID 4898.

5. Snelling, AA. 1995.

Book Review: Studies in Flood Geology
CENTJ 9(2):161-163. CELD ID 4899.

6. Goertzen, J. 1995.

Who Wrote Genesis?
CENTJ 9(2):164. CELD ID 4900.

7. Kramer, JHJ. 1995.

Origin of Languages
CENTJ 9(2):164-165. CELD ID 4901.

8. Gustine, HW. 1995.

Dinosaurs and Dragons
CENTJ 9(2):165. CELD ID 4902.

9. Rushing, R. 1995.

COBE Dating
CENTJ 9(2):165. CELD ID 4903.

10. Malcolm, D. 1995.

C. S. Lewis and Evolution
CENTJ 9(2):166. CELD ID 4904.

11. Molen, M; Snelling, AA. 1995.

Continental Drift
CENTJ 9(2):166-167. CELD ID 4905.

12. Wise, KP. 1995.

A Note on New Australopithecines
CENTJ 9(2):167. CELD ID 4906.

13. Beasley, GJ. 1995.

Archaic Fossil Human Remains - an Update
CENTJ 9(2):169-215. CELD ID 4907.

14. Wise, KP. 1995.

Towards a Creationist Understanding of 'Transitional Forms'
CENTJ 9(2):216-222. CELD ID 4908.

15. Davison, GE. 1995.

The Importance of Unconformity-Bounded Sequences in Flood Stratigraphy
CENTJ 9(2):223-243. CELD ID 4909.

16. Snelling, AA. 1995.

The Whale Fossil in Diatomite, Lompoc, California
CENTJ 9(2):244-258. CELD ID 4910.

17. Gitt, W. 1995.

Surprising Facts about the Sun and Moon
CENTJ 9(2):259-262. CELD ID 4911.

18. Smith, FG. 1995.

The Use of the Divine Names in Genesis
CENTJ 9(2):263-266. CELD ID 4912.

19. Bergman, J. 1995.

Contemporary Suppression of the Theistic World View
CENTJ 9(2):267-275. CELD ID 4913.

20. Oard, MJ. 1995.

A tale of two Greenland ice caps
CENTJ 9(2):135-136. CELD ID 7225.

21. Wieland, C. 1995.

Mirror, mirror on the wall-which is the strangest theory of all?
CENTJ 9(2):136-137. CELD ID 7226.

22. Wieland, C. 1995.

Hairy mole rat upset theories
CENTJ 9(2):137. CELD ID 7227.

23. Wieland, C. 1995.

Did Darwin get it all right?
CENTJ 9(2):137-138. CELD ID 7228.

24. Snelling, AA. 1995.

The 'Principle of least astonishment'!
CENTJ 9(2):138-139. CELD ID 7229.

25. Oard, MJ. 1995.

A new challenge to supposed ancient glaciation
CENTJ 9(2):140-141. CELD ID 7230.

26. Batten, D. 1995.

Y-Chromosome Adam?
CENTJ 9(2):139-140. CELD ID 7231.

27. Snelling, AA. 1995.

Ocean 'birth' theories undermined
CENTJ 9(2):141-142. CELD ID 7232.

28. Oard, MJ. 1995.

Another computer simulation fails to develop an Ice Age
CENTJ 9(2):142-143. CELD ID 7233.

29. Snelling, AA. 1995.

A Catastrophic global even on Venus
CENTJ 9(2):144-145. CELD ID 7234.

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