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Contents of Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 9(1)

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1. DeYoung, DB . 1995.

The Hubble Law
CENTJ 9(1):7-11. CELD ID 4876.

2. Snelling, AA. 1995.

Plate Tectonics: Have the Continents Really Moved Apart?
CENTJ 9(1):12-20. CELD ID 4877.

3. Wieland, C. 1995.

Book Review: The Beak of the Finch: Evolution in Real Time
CENTJ 9(1):21-24. CELD ID 4878.

4. Matthews, R. 1995.

Book Review: The Mystery of Life's Origin: Reassessing Current Theories
CENTJ 9(1):25-26. CELD ID 4879.

5. Grigg, RM. 1995.

Book Review: Genesis and the Mystery Confucius Couldn't Solve
CENTJ 9(1):26-28. CELD ID 4880.

6. Johns, WH; Snelling, AA; Woodmorappe, J. 1995.

Coccolithophores and Chalk Layers
CENTJ 9(1):29-36. CELD ID 4881.

7. Reinikainen, P. 1995.

Dinosaurs and Dragons
CENTJ 9(1):36. CELD ID 4882.

8. Wise, KP; Batten, D. 1995.

Punctuated Equilibrium
CENTJ 9(1):36-38. CELD ID 4883.

9. Kennedy, AJ. 1995.

Speed of Light Decay
CENTJ 9(1):39. CELD ID 4884.

10. Smith, FG. 1995.

Names of God in Genesis
CENTJ 9(1):39-40. CELD ID 4885.

11. Slater, CA; Wieland, C. 1995.

Decreased Lifespans
CENTJ 9(1):40-41. CELD ID 4886.

12. Taylor, CV. 1995.

Translating Grammatical Number in the Creation Account
CENTJ 9(1):42-44. CELD ID 4887.

13. Robinson, SJ. 1995.

From the Flood to the Exodus: Egypt's Earliest Settlers
CENTJ 9(1):45-68. CELD ID 4888.

14. Oard, MJ. 1995.

Where are all the pre-Pleistocene Giant Landslide Deposits?
CENTJ 9(1):69-70. CELD ID 4889.

15. Snelling, AA. 1995.

The Failure of U-Th-Pb 'Dating' at Koongarra, Australia
CENTJ 9(1):71-92. CELD ID 4890.

16. Armitage, M. 1995.

Internal Radiohalos in a Diamond
CENTJ 9(1):93-101. CELD ID 4891.

17. Evered, MG. 1995.

The Velocity of Light: Constant Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
CENTJ 9(1):102-105. CELD ID 4892.

18. Mehlert, AW. 1995.

On the Origin of Cats and Carnivores
CENTJ 9(1):106-120. CELD ID 4893.

19. Bergman, J. 1995.

Creationism and the Problem of Homosexual Behaviour
CENTJ 9(1):121-130. CELD ID 4894.

20. Wieland, C. 1995.

Big Bang 'not Creation'
CENTJ 9(1):3. CELD ID 7220.

21. Wieland, C. 1995.

Rare 'Primitive Bugs' neither primitive nor rare
CENTJ 9(1):4. CELD ID 7221.

22. Oard, MJ. 1995.

Only one glaciation in Southwest Alberta
CENTJ 9(1):4. CELD ID 7222.

23. Batten, D. 1995.

Clementine Mines information from the moon
CENTJ 9(1):5. CELD ID 7223.

24. Oard, MJ. 1995.

Astronomical Problems
CENTJ 9(1):5-6. CELD ID 7224.

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