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Contents of Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 8(2)

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1. Batten, D. 1994.

Punctuated Equilibrium: Come of Age?
CENTJ 8(2):131-137. CELD ID 4857.

2. Wieland, C. 1994.

Decreased Lifespans: Have we Been Looking in the Right Place?
CENTJ 8(2):138-141. CELD ID 4858.

3. Malcolm, D. 1994.

Helium in the Earth's Atmosphere
CENTJ 8(2):142-147. CELD ID 4859.

4. Snelling, AA. 1994.

Book Review: Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe
CENTJ 8(2):148-149. CELD ID 4860.

5. Goertzen, J. 1994.

Book Review: Creation and Time
CENTJ 8(2):150-151. CELD ID 4861.

6. Meninga, C; Van Till, HJ; Young, DA; Snelling, A. 1994.

Moon Dust and the Age of the Solar System
CENTJ 8(2):152-153. CELD ID 4862.

7. de Louth, R. 1994.

Early History of Man
CENTJ 8(2):153. CELD ID 4863.

8. Wieland, C. 1994.

Diseases on the Ark
CENTJ 8(2):153-154. CELD ID 4864.

9. Golovin, S; Blievernicht, EJ; Boyle, TD; Smiller, S; Smelter, PJ. 1994.

Dinosaurs and Dragons
CENTJ 8(2):154-156. CELD ID 4865.

10. Goldberg, A. 1994.

Noah's Ark
CENTJ 8(2):156. CELD ID 4866.

11. Bowden, M. 1994.

The Speed of Light - A Critique of Bounds' Methodology
CENTJ 8(2):156-158. CELD ID 4867.

12. Wise, KP. 1994.

Australopithecus ramidus and the Fossil Record
CENTJ 8(2):160-165. CELD ID 4868.

13. Cuozzo, JW. 1994.

Neandertal Children's Fossils: Reconstruction and Interpretation Distorted by Assumptions
CENTJ 8(2):166-178. CELD ID 4869.

14. Beasley, GJ. 1994.

A Possible Creationist Perspective on the Tyrolean (Oetztaler) Ice Man
CENTJ 8(2):179-191. CELD ID 4870.

15. Cooper, WR. 1994.

The Early History of Man - Part 6: Creationism in the Pagan World
CENTJ 8(2):192-203. CELD ID 4871.

16. Taylor, CV. 1994.

Who Wrote Genesis? Are the Toledoth Colophons?
CENTJ 8(2):204-211. CELD ID 4872.

17. Armitage, M; Back, E. 1994.

The Thermal Erasure of Radiohalos in Biotite
CENTJ 8(2):212-222. CELD ID 4873.

18. Mehlert, AW. 1994.

The Origin of the Universe: A Creationist Evaluation of Current Scientific Theories
CENTJ 8(2):223-237. CELD ID 4874.

19. Bergman, J. 1994.

The Law of Cause and Cosmology
CENTJ 8(2):238-245. CELD ID 4875.

20. Wieland, C. 1994.

Junk moves up in the world
CENTJ 8(2):125. CELD ID 7239.

21. Wieland, C. 1994.

Taking the pulse of 'climatic evolution' theories
CENTJ 8(2):125. CELD ID 7240.

22. Wieland, C. 1994.

Cuddly cold-cures counter critics
CENTJ 8(2):126. CELD ID 7241.

23. Wieland, C. 1994.

New evidence: only people ever walked really upright
CENTJ 8(2):127-128. CELD ID 7242.

24. Wieland, C. 1994.

The eye, the fly and I
CENTJ 8(2):128. CELD ID 7243.

25. Batten, D. 1994.

Australopithecus ramidus-'the missing link'?
CENTJ 8(2):129-130. CELD ID 7244.

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