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Contents of Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 8(1)

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1. Wieland, C. 1994.

Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria
CENTJ 8(1):5-6. CELD ID 4840.

2. Wieland, C. 1994.

Ancient DNA and the Young Earth
CENTJ 8(1):7-10. CELD ID 4841.

3. Snelling, A. 1994.

Can Flood Geology Explain Thick Chalk Beds?
CENTJ 8(1):11-15. CELD ID 4842.

4. Wieland, C. 1994.

Diseases on the Ark
CENTJ 8(1):16-18. CELD ID 4843.

5. Snelling, A. 1994.

Book Review: The New Catastrophism
CENTJ 8(1):19-21. CELD ID 4844.

6. Austin, S. 1994.

CENTJ 8(1):22. CELD ID 4845.

7. Molen, M. 1994.

Velocity of Light Debate
CENTJ 8(1):23. CELD ID 4846.

8. Dolphin, L. 1994.

Velocity of Light Paper
CENTJ 8(1):23. CELD ID 4847.

9. Goldberg, A. 1994.

Starlight Travel Time and the Universe's Size
CENTJ 8(1):23-24. CELD ID 4848.

10. Scroggins, L; Bergman, J. 1994.

How Much Did the Ancients Know of the Heavens?
CENTJ 8(1):24-25. CELD ID 4849.

11. Hong, SW. 1994.

Safety Investigation of Noah's Ark in a Seaway
CENTJ 8(1):26-36. CELD ID 4850.

12. Julien, PY; Lan, Y; Berthault, G. 1994.

Experiments on Stratification of Heterogeneous Sand Mixtures
CENTJ 8(1):37-50. CELD ID 4851.

13. Snelling, A. 1994.

Towards a Creationist Explanation of Regional Metamorphism
CENTJ 8(1):51-77. CELD ID 4852.

14. Watson, JA. 1994.

An Investigation of the Reworking of Ammonite Fossils
CENTJ 8(1):78-84. CELD ID 4853.

15. Niermann, DL. 1994.

Dinosaurs and Dragons
CENTJ 8(1):85-104. CELD ID 4854.

16. Mehlert, AW. 1994.

Homo erectus 'to' Modern Man: Evolution or Human Variability?
CENTJ 8(1):105-116. CELD ID 4855.

17. Wilson, J. 1994.

Naturalism and Norm-Setting
CENTJ 8(1):117-120. CELD ID 4856.

18. Batten, D. 1994.

A whale of a tale?
CENTJ 8(1):2-3. CELD ID 7235.

19. Batten, D. 1994.

Kentucky fried dinosaur?
CENTJ 8(1):3. CELD ID 7236.

20. Wieland, C. 1994.

The religious nature of evolution
CENTJ 8(1):3-4. CELD ID 7237.

21. Wieland, C. 1994.

Deluge on Mars
CENTJ 8(1):4. CELD ID 7238.

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