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Contents of Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 7(1)

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1. Snelling, AA; Rush, DE. 1993.

Moon Dust and the Age of the Solar System
CENTJ 7(1):2-42. CELD ID 4814.

2. Beasley, GJ. 1993.

Long-Lived Trees: Their Possible Testimony to a Global Flood and Recent Creation
CENTJ 7(1):43-67. CELD ID 4815.

3. Watts, B. 1993.

Evolution: the Blind Watchmaker?
CENTJ 7(1):68-72. CELD ID 4816.

4. Bergman, J. 1993.

A Brief History of the Theory of Spontaneous Generation
CENTJ 7(1):73-81. CELD ID 4817.

5. Bergman, J. 1993.

Panspermia - The Theory that Life came from Outer Space
CENTJ 7(1):82-87. CELD ID 4818.

6. Wile, JL. 1993.

A Time-Independent Measurement of the Speed of Light
CENTJ 7(1):88-92. CELD ID 4819.

7. Evered, MG. 1993.

The Recent Decrease in the Velocity of Light - What Decrease?
CENTJ 7(1):93-102. CELD ID 4820.

8. Ewan, G; Cooper, B; Taylor, C. 1993.

Early History of Man
CENTJ 7(1):103-104. CELD ID 4821.

9. Goldberg, A. 1993.

The Speed of Light
CENTJ 7(1):104-105. CELD ID 4822.

10. Burger, PA. 1993.

Creationist Geology
CENTJ 7(1):105-106. CELD ID 4823.

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