1. Williams, AR. 1992. Long-Age Isotope Dating Short on CredibilityCENTJ 6(1):2-5. CELD ID 4792.
Long-Age Isotope Dating Short on Credibility
2. Wile, JL. 1992. Beneficial Mutations?CENTJ 6(1):6-9. CELD ID 4793.
Beneficial Mutations?
3. Mehlert, AW. 1992. A Review of the Present Status of Some Alleged Early HominidsCENTJ 6(1):10-41. CELD ID 4794.
A Review of the Present Status of Some Alleged Early Hominids
4. Beasley, GJ. 1992. Is the African 'Eve' Misconceived?CENTJ 6(1):42-48. CELD ID 4795.
Is the African 'Eve' Misconceived?
5. Cooper, B. 1992. The Early History of Man - Part 4: Living Dinosaurs from Anglo-Saxon and Other Early RecordsCENTJ 6(1):49-66. CELD ID 4796.
The Early History of Man - Part 4: Living Dinosaurs from Anglo-Saxon and Other Early Records
6. Wise, KP. 1992. Some Thoughts on the Precambrian Fossil RecordCENTJ 6(1):67-71. CELD ID 4797.
Some Thoughts on the Precambrian Fossil Record
7. Taylor, CV. 1992. A Question of Translation?CENTJ 6(1):72-73. CELD ID 4798.
A Question of Translation?
8. Humphreys, R. 1992. C Decay and Galactic Red-ShiftsCENTJ 6(1):74-79. CELD ID 4799.
C Decay and Galactic Red-Shifts
9. Evered, M. 1992. Further Evidence Against the Theory of a Recent Decrease in cCENTJ 6(1):80-89. CELD ID 4800.
Further Evidence Against the Theory of a Recent Decrease in c
10. Aardsma, GE. 1992. The Velocity of LightCENTJ 6(1):90-92. CELD ID 4801.
The Velocity of Light
11. Johnston, BD. 1992. The Velocity of LightCENTJ 6(1):92-93. CELD ID 4802.
12. Prasher, CL; Cooper, B. 1992. The Early History of ManCENTJ 6(1):93-94. CELD ID 4803.
The Early History of Man
13. Oard, M. 1992. Precambrian RocksCENTJ 6(1):94-95. CELD ID 4804.
Precambrian Rocks