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Contents of Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 5(2)

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1. Evered, MG. 1991.

Computer Analysis of the Historical Values of the Velocity of Light
CENTJ 5(2):94-96. CELD ID 4780.

2. Montgomery, A. 1991.

Computer Analysis of the Historical Values of the Velocity of Light: A Response
CENTJ 5(2):97-98. CELD ID 4781.

3. Evered, MG. 1991.

Is There Really Evidence of a Recent Decrease in c?
CENTJ 5(2):99-104. CELD ID 4782.

4. Montgomery, A. 1991.

Is There Really Evidence of a Recent Decrease in c? - A Response
CENTJ 5(2):105-107. CELD ID 4783.

5. Norman, T. 1991.

The Velocity of Light Decay Debate: The Mathematician's Response
CENTJ 5(2):108-112. CELD ID 4784.

6. Montgomery, A. 1991.

Statistical Analysis of the Velocity of Light and Related Data
CENTJ 5(2):113-122. CELD ID 4785.

7. Kouznetsov, DA. 1991.

Modern Concepts of Species: Do We Come Back to Fixism?
CENTJ 5(2):123-129. CELD ID 4786.

8. Stambaugh, J. 1991.

Creation's Original Diet and the Changes at the Fall
CENTJ 5(2):130-138. CELD ID 4787.

9. Cooper, B. 1991.

The Early History of Man - Part 3. The Kings of the Ancient Britons: A Chronology
CENTJ 5(2):139-142. CELD ID 4788.

10. Bergman, J. 1991.

A Brief History of the Eugenics Movement
CENTJ 5(2):143-153. CELD ID 4789.

11. Snelling, A. 1991.

Creationist Geology: Where do the 'Precambrian' Strata Fit?
CENTJ 5(2):154-175. CELD ID 4790.

12. Frederick, A; Cooper, B. 1991.

The Early History of Man
CENTJ 5(2):176-177. CELD ID 4791.

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