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Contents of Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 14(2)

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1. Bernitt, R. 2000.

Phoenix Galaxy explode stellar evolution theory
CENTJ 14(2):3-5. CELD ID 6876.

2. Woodmorappe, J. 2000.

Does a 'transitional form' replace one gap with two gaps?
CENTJ 14(2):5-6. CELD ID 6877.

3. Lubenow, ML. 2000.

Lagar Velho 1 child skeleton: a Neadertal/modern human hybrid
CENTJ 14(2):6-8. CELD ID 6878.

4. Oard, MJ. 2000.

A tropical reptile in the 'Cretaceous' Arctic: paleofauna challenge to uniformitarianism
CENTJ 14(2):9-10. CELD ID 6879.

5. Jerlstrom, P. 2000.

Is the evolutionary tree turning into a creationist orchard?
CENTJ 14(2):11-13. CELD ID 6880.

6. Oard, MJ. 2000.

Only one Lake Missoula flood
CENTJ 14(2):14-17. CELD ID 6881.

7. Walkup, LK. 2000.

Junk DNA: evolutionary discards or God's tools?
CENTJ 14(2):18-30. CELD ID 6882.

8. Steel, AK. 2000.

The development of languages is nothing like biological evolution
CENTJ 14(2):31-40. CELD ID 6883.

9. Steel, AK. 2000.

Book review: Tower of Babel: The Evidence against the New Creationism by Robert T. Pennock
CENTJ 14(2):41-46. CELD ID 6884.

10. Woodmorappe, J. 2000.

The Karoo vertebrate non-problem: 800 billion fossils or not
CENTJ 14(2):47-49. CELD ID 6885.

11. Menton, DN. 2000.

The plantaris and the question of vestigial muscles in man
CENTJ 14(2):50-53. CELD ID 6886.

12. Williams, P; Pierce, L. 2000.

Cainan: in or out?
CENTJ 14(2):54-56. CELD ID 6887.

13. Tompkins, WL; McIntosh, A. 2000.

Integrating Flood models?
CENTJ 14(2):56-57. CELD ID 6888.

14. McIntosh, AC. 2000.

Dinosaurs and the Flood
CENTJ 14(2):57-58. CELD ID 6889.

15. Austin, SA. 2000.

The pre-Flood/Flood boundary: Correcting significant misunderstandings
CENTJ 14(2):59-63. CELD ID 6890.

16. Froede, C. 2000.

The pre-Flood/Flood boundary: scholarship and clarification
CENTJ 14(2):63-68. CELD ID 6891.

17. Conner, S; Page, D. 2000.

Starlight-time and again
CENTJ 14(2):69-73. CELD ID 6892.

18. Humphreys, DR. 2000.

Starlight and time: a response
CENTJ 14(2):73-76. CELD ID 6893.

19. Fackerell, ED; McIntosh, CBG. 2000.

Errors in Humphreys' cosmological model
CENTJ 14(2):77-80. CELD ID 6894.

20. Humphreys, DR. 2000.

Errors in Humphreys' cosmological model: Humphrey's replies
CENTJ 14(2):81. CELD ID 6895.

21. Zuill, H. 2000.

Ecology, biodiversity and Creation
CENTJ 14(2):82-90. CELD ID 6896.

22. Hunter, MJ. 2000.

Scriptural constraints on the variation of water level during the Genesis Flood
CENTJ 14(2):91-94. CELD ID 6897.

23. Snelling, AA. 2000.

Conflicting 'ages' of Tertiary basalt and contained fossilised wood, Crinum, Central Queensland, Australia
CENTJ 14(2):99-122. CELD ID 6898.

24. Bergman, J. 2000.

Do any vestigial structures exist in humans?
CENTJ 14(2):95-98. CELD ID 6899.

25. Woodmorappe, J. 2000.

Hypercanes: rainfall generators during the Flood?
CENTJ 14(2):123-127. CELD ID 6900.

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