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Contents of Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 14(1)

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1. Samec, R. 2000.

The age of the jovian planets
CENTJ 14(1):3-4. CELD ID 6851.

2. Walker, T. 2000.

Radioactive decay rate depends on chemical environment
CENTJ 14(1):4. CELD ID 6852.

3. Oard, M. 2000.

Problems for 'giant impact' origin of moon
CENTJ 14(1):6-7. CELD ID 6853.

4. Oard, M. 2000.

How well do paleontologists know fossil distributions?
CENTJ 14(1):7-8. CELD ID 6854.

5. Jerlstrom, P. 2000.

Jumping wallaby genes and post-Flood speciation
CENTJ 14(1):9-10. CELD ID 6855.

6. Woodmorappe, J. 2000.

How different is the cranial-vault thickness of Homo erectus from modern man?
CENTJ 14(1):10-13. CELD ID 6856.

7. Walker, T. 2000.

Book review: Field studies in catastrophic geology by Carl R. Froede, Jr.
CENTJ 14(1):14-18. CELD ID 6857.

8. Oard, M. 2000.

Book review: The mythology of modern dating methods by John Woodmorappe
CENTJ 14(1):19-22. CELD ID 6858.

9. Kulikovsky, A. 2000.

Book review: Three views on creation and evolution edited by J.P. Moreland & John Mark Reynolds
CENTJ 14(1):23-27. CELD ID 6859.

10. Truman, R. 2000.

Book review: Intelligent design: The Bridge between Science and Theology by William A. Dembski
CENTJ 14(1):28-34. CELD ID 6860.

11. Oard, M. 2000.

Antiquity of landforms: objective evidence that dating methods are wrong
CENTJ 14(1):35-39. CELD ID 6861.

12. Walker, T. 2000.

The Black Sea flood: definitely not the Flood of Noah
CENTJ 14(1):40-44. CELD ID 6862.

13. Brooks, L; Woodmorappe, J. 2000.

Geologic column
CENTJ 14(1):45. CELD ID 6863.

14. Pitts, JB. 2000.

Humphreys' cosmology
CENTJ 14(1):45-46. CELD ID 6864.

15. Spencer, WR; Faulkner, D. 2000.

Response to Faulkner's 'biblically-based cratering theory'
CENTJ 14(1):46-49. CELD ID 6865.

16. Tompkins, W. 2000.

The third day -- Precambrian skeletons in the closet
CENTJ 14(1):49. CELD ID 6866.

17. Savige, C; Pierce, L. 2000.

So-called error in Luke 3:36
CENTJ 14(1):49-51. CELD ID 6867.

18. McIntosh, AC; Edmondson, T; Taylor, S. 2000.

Flood models: the need for an integrated approach
CENTJ 14(1):52-59. CELD ID 6868.

19. Hunter, MJ. 2000.

The pre-Flood/Flood boundary at the base of the earth's transition zone
CENTJ 14(1):60-74. CELD ID 6869.

20. Mortenson, T. 2000.

British scriptural geologist in the first half of the nineteenth century: part 6. Thomas Gisborne (1758-1846)
CENTJ 14(1):75-80. CELD ID 6870.

21. Bergman, J. 2000.

Ota Benga: the pygmy put on display in a zoo
CENTJ 14(1):81-90. CELD ID 6871.

22. Schirrmacher, T. 2000.

The Galileo Affair: history or heroic hagiography?
CENTJ 14(1):91-100. CELD ID 6872.

23. McIntosh, AC; Edmondson, T; Taylor, S. 2000.

Genesis and catastrophe: the Flood as the major biblical cataclysm
CENTJ 14(1):101-109. CELD ID 6873.

24. Woodmorappe, J. 2000.

The fossil record: becoming more random all the time
CENTJ 14(1):110-116. CELD ID 6874.

25. Bergman, J. 2000.

The history of the teaching of human female inferiority in Darwinism
CENTJ 14(1):117-126. CELD ID 6875.

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