1. Oard, M. 1999. A new discovery of dinosaur eggs in west-central ArgentinaCENTJ 13(2):3-4. CELD ID 6818.
A new discovery of dinosaur eggs in west-central Argentina
2. Sarfati, J. 1999. Hydrothermal origin of life?CENTJ 13(2):5-6. CELD ID 6819.
Hydrothermal origin of life?
3. Jerlstrom, P. 1999. Genomic imprintingCENTJ 13(2):6-8. CELD ID 6820.
Genomic imprinting
4. Oard, M. 1999. Very rapid emplacement of Columbia River basalts in nonturbulent flowCENTJ 13(2):8-9. CELD ID 6821.
Very rapid emplacement of Columbia River basalts in nonturbulent flow
5. Woodmorappe, J. 1999. The non-transitions in 'human evolution'- evolutionists' termsCENTJ 13(2):10-12. CELD ID 6822.
The non-transitions in 'human evolution'- evolutionists' terms
6. Oard, M. 1999. Beware of paleoenvironmental deductionsCENTJ 13(2):13. CELD ID 6823.
Beware of paleoenvironmental deductions
7. McGinley, F. 1999. Science: Discovery or invention?CENTJ 13(2):14-21. CELD ID 6824.
Science: Discovery or invention?
8. Sarfati, J. 1999. Book review: The Genesis Question by Hugh RossCENTJ 13(2):22-30. CELD ID 6825.
Book review: The Genesis Question by Hugh Ross
9. Bates, G. 1999. Book review: Green Eye of the Storm by John Rendle-ShortCENTJ 13(2):31-33. CELD ID 6826.
Book review: Green Eye of the Storm by John Rendle-Short
10. Truman, R. 1999. Book review: The design inference: Eliminating chance through small probabilities by William A. DembskiCENTJ 13(2):34-39. CELD ID 6827.
Book review: The design inference: Eliminating chance through small probabilities by William A. Dembski
11. Green, D. 1999. Book review: Science in Faith, A Christian Perspcetive on Teaching Science By the Christian Schools' Trust Science Curriculum Team, ed. Dr. Arthur JonesCENTJ 13(2):40-41. CELD ID 6828.
Book review: Science in Faith, A Christian Perspcetive on Teaching Science By the Christian Schools' Trust Science Curriculum Team, ed. Dr. Arthur Jones
12. Briarley, D. 1999. Book review: Origins: Today's science, tomorrow's myth by James E. StricklingCENTJ 13(2):42-43. CELD ID 6829.
Book review: Origins: Today's science, tomorrow's myth by James E. Strickling
13. Holding, JP. 1999. Is the raqiya' ('firmament') a solid dome? Equivocal language in the cosmology of Genesis 1 and the Old Testament: a response to Paul H. SeelyCENTJ 13(2):44-51. CELD ID 6830.
Is the raqiya' ('firmament') a solid dome? Equivocal language in the cosmology of Genesis 1 and the Old Testament: a response to Paul H. Seely
14. Faulkner, D. 1999. The dubious apologetics of Hugh RossCENTJ 13(2):52-60. CELD ID 6831.
The dubious apologetics of Hugh Ross
15. Kulikovsky, A. 1999. God's rest in Hebrews 4:1-11CENTJ 13(2):61-62. CELD ID 6832.
God's rest in Hebrews 4:1-11
16. Guerin, P; Weeks, N. 1999. Mendelian genetics: not for right wing fanaticsCENTJ 13(2):63. CELD ID 6833.
Mendelian genetics: not for right wing fanatics
17. Lawrence, R. 1999. Biblical limits to geologic correlationsCENTJ 13(2):63-64. CELD ID 6834.
Biblical limits to geologic correlations
18. MacDonald, K; Curtis, T. 1999. The origin of languagesCENTJ 13(2):64-67. CELD ID 6835.
The origin of languages
19. Tompkins, W. 1999. Did creation mountains referred to in Psalm 104:8 really rise from below the Noachian flood waters?CENTJ 13(2):6769. CELD ID 6836.
Did creation mountains referred to in Psalm 104:8 really rise from below the Noachian flood waters?
20. Kulikovsky, A. 1999. Did mountains really rise?CENTJ 13(2):69. CELD ID 6837.
Did mountains really rise?
21. Minge, B; Taylor, C. 1999. More on mountainsCENTJ 13(2):70-72. CELD ID 6838.
More on mountains
22. Woodmorappe, J. 1999. The coal-mass non-problemCENTJ 13(2):72-73. CELD ID 6839.
The coal-mass non-problem
23. Read, B; Truman, R. 1999. Dawkins' Weasel revisitedCENTJ 13(2):73-75. CELD ID 6840.
Dawkins' Weasel revisited
24. Pierce, L. 1999. Cainan in Luke 3:36: insight from JosephusCENTJ 13(2):75-76. CELD ID 6841.
Cainan in Luke 3:36: insight from Josephus
25. Woodmorappe, J. 1999. The geologic column: does it exist?CENTJ 13(2):77-82. CELD ID 6842.
The geologic column: does it exist?
26. Jerlstrom, P; Elliott, B. 1999. Letting rotting sharks lie: further evidence for shark identity of the Zuiyo-maru carcassCENTJ 13(2):83-87. CELD ID 6843.
Letting rotting sharks lie: further evidence for shark identity of the Zuiyo-maru carcass
27. Woolley, DA. 1999. Lycopod fossils indicate hollow root structureCENTJ 13(2):88-89. CELD ID 6844.
Lycopod fossils indicate hollow root structure
28. Froede, CR. 1999. Precambrian metazoans within a young-earth Flood frameworkCENTJ 13(2):90-96. CELD ID 6845.
Precambrian metazoans within a young-earth Flood framework
29. Mehlert, AW. 1999. The rise and fall of skull KNM-ER 1470CENTJ 13(2):96-100. CELD ID 6846.
The rise and fall of skull KNM-ER 1470
30. Bergman, J. 1999. Darwinism and the Nazi race HolocaustCENTJ 13(2):101-111. CELD ID 6847.
Darwinism and the Nazi race Holocaust
31. Burgess, S. 1999. Critical characteristics and the irreducible knee jointCENTJ 13(2):112-117. CELD ID 6848.
Critical characteristics and the irreducible knee joint
32. Bergman, J. 1999. The attitude of various populations toward teaching Creation and evolution in public schoolsCENTJ 13(2):118-123. CELD ID 6849.
The attitude of various populations toward teaching Creation and evolution in public schools
33. Sarfati, J. 1999. Origin of Life: instability of building blocksCENTJ 13(2):124-127. CELD ID 6850.
Origin of Life: instability of building blocks