1. Oard, M. 1999. Paradox of Pacific guyotsCENTJ 13(1):1-2. CELD ID 6788.
Paradox of Pacific guyots
2. Wieland, C; Muresan, D. 1999. Neandertal canal backpedalCENTJ 13(1):3. CELD ID 6789.
Neandertal canal backpedal
3. Oard, M; Sarfati, J. 1999. No dark matter found in the Milky WayCENTJ 13(1):3-4. CELD ID 6790.
No dark matter found in the Milky Way
4. Sarfati, J. 1999. Decoding and editing designs: double-sieve enzymesCENTJ 13(1):5-7. CELD ID 6791.
Decoding and editing designs: double-sieve enzymes
5. Oard, M. 1999. What can 10,000 dinosaur bones in a bauxite lens tell us?CENTJ 13(1):8-9. CELD ID 6792.
What can 10,000 dinosaur bones in a bauxite lens tell us?
6. Jerlstrom, P. 1999. Shaky tree of lifeCENTJ 13(1):10-11. CELD ID 6793.
Shaky tree of life
7. Oard, M. 1999. Another threat to the Milankovitch theory quelledCENTJ 13(1):11-13. CELD ID 6794.
Another threat to the Milankovitch theory quelled
8. Woodmorappe, J. 1999. Lord Kelvin revisited on the young age of the earth.CENTJ 13(1):14. CELD ID 6795.
Lord Kelvin revisited on the young age of the earth.
9. Harker, B. 1999. Artificial life: The revival of mysticism in scienceCENTJ 13(1):15-25. CELD ID 6796.
Artificial life: The revival of mysticism in science
10. Oard, M. 1999. Book review: Origins-linking science and Scripture by Ariel A. RothCENTJ 13(1):26-28. CELD ID 6797.
Book review: Origins-linking science and Scripture by Ariel A. Roth
11. Wieland, C. 1999. Book review: Life's Grandeur: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin by Stephen Jay GouldCENTJ 13(1):29-32. CELD ID 6798.
Book review: Life's Grandeur: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin by Stephen Jay Gould
12. Truman, R. 1999. Book review: Unweaving the rainbow: science, delusion and the appetite for wonder by Richard DawkinsCENTJ 13(1):33-36. CELD ID 6799.
Book review: Unweaving the rainbow: science, delusion and the appetite for wonder by Richard Dawkins
13. Gurney, P. 1999. Our 'inverted' retina-is it really 'bad design'?CENTJ 13(1):37-44. CELD ID 6800.
Our 'inverted' retina-is it really 'bad design'?
14. Woodmorappe, J. 1999. Panda thumbs its nose at the dysteleological arguments of the atheist Stephen Jay GouldCENTJ 13(1):45-48. CELD ID 6801.
Panda thumbs its nose at the dysteleological arguments of the atheist Stephen Jay Gould
15. Anonymous. 1999. The 'tone' of contributionsCENTJ 13(1):49. CELD ID 6802.
The 'tone' of contributions
16. Editorial comment. 1999. Play the ball-not the manCENTJ 13(1):49. CELD ID 6803.
Play the ball-not the man
17. Ross, H; Humphreys, R. 1999. Humphreys' new vistas of space-timeCENTJ 13(1):49-53. CELD ID 6804.
Humphreys' new vistas of space-time
18. Duff, KJ; Humphreys, DR. 1999. More on vistasCENTJ 13(1):53-56. CELD ID 6805.
More on vistas
19. Conner, SR; Humphreys, DR. 1999. Vistas-one moreCENTJ 13(1):56-60. CELD ID 6806.
Vistas-one more
20. Hunter, MJ; Humphreys, DR. 1999. Starlight and timeCENTJ 13(1):60-61. CELD ID 6807.
Starlight and time
21. Doane, JL; Faulkner, D. 1999. Gospel in the starsCENTJ 13(1):62-64. CELD ID 6808.
Gospel in the stars
22. McGinley, F; Ferguson, S. 1999. Instrumentalism, mathematics and scienceCENTJ 13(1):64-68. CELD ID 6809.
Instrumentalism, mathematics and science
23. Willims, P; Minge, B; Taylor, C. 1999. Did mountains really rise?CENTJ 13(1):68-69. CELD ID 6810.
Did mountains really rise?
24. Bowden, M. 1999. C-DecayCENTJ 13(1):71-72. CELD ID 6811.
25. Pacini, R. 1999. Of Philistines and sea peoplesCENTJ 13(1):73-80. CELD ID 6812.
Of Philistines and sea peoples
26. Shin, VK; Hovee, L. 1999. The Lamb of God hidden in Chinese charactersCENTJ 13(1):81-91. CELD ID 6813.
The Lamb of God hidden in Chinese characters
27. Mortenson, T. 1999. British scriptural geologist in the first half of the nineteeth century: Part 5. Henry Cole (1792?-1858)CENTJ 13(1):92-99. CELD ID 6814.
British scriptural geologist in the first half of the nineteeth century: Part 5. Henry Cole (1792?-1858)
28. Faulkner, D. 1999. A biblically-based cratering theoryCENTJ 13(1):100-104. CELD ID 6815.
A biblically-based cratering theory
29. Poirier, J. 1999. Monarch butterflies and navigationCENTJ 13(1):105-114. CELD ID 6816.
Monarch butterflies and navigation
30. Bergman, J. 1999. Did God make pathogenic viruses?CENTJ 13(1):115-125. CELD ID 6817.
Did God make pathogenic viruses?