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Contents of Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 12(2)

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1. Snelling, AA. 1998.

Pushing back the origins of animals
CENTJ 12(2):127-130. CELD ID 6027.

2. Snelling, AA. 1998.

Exceptional soft-tissue preservation in a fossilised dinosaur
CENTJ 12(2):130-131. CELD ID 6028.

3. Wieland, C. 1998.

Famous living fossil 'link' idea fizzles further
CENTJ 12(2):131. CELD ID 6029.

4. Wieland, C. 1998.

The Queen's art collection: challenging 'slow' ideas of petrified wood formation
CENTJ 12(2):132. CELD ID 6030.

5. Snelling, AA. 1998.

Waterborne gravity flows buried Mongolian dinosaurs
CENTJ 12(2):133-134. CELD ID 6031.

6. Snelling, AA. 1998.

Catastrophic sedimentation: Giant submarine landslides
CENTJ 12(2):135-136. CELD ID 6032.

7. Sarfati, JD. 1998.

Olfactory design: Smell and spectroscopy
CENTJ 12(2):137-138. CELD ID 6033.

8. Wieland, C. 1998.

Aboriginal paintings 'whodunnit'
CENTJ 12(2):138-140. CELD ID 6034.

9. Snelling, AA. 1998.

Dating method in doubt
CENTJ 12(2):140-141. CELD ID 6035.

10. Wieland, C. 1998.

Cosmological principle under attack
CENTJ 12(2):141. CELD ID 6036.

11. Sarfati, JD. 1998.

Loving God With All Your Mind: Logic and Creation
CENTJ 12(2):142-151. CELD ID 6037.

12. Wieland, C. 1998.

Book Review: Creation and Change: Genesis 1.1-2.4 in the light of changing scientific paradigms by Douglas F. Kelly
CENTJ 12(2):152-154. CELD ID 6038.

13. Wieland, C. 1998.

Book Review: The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy by Charles Officer and Jake Page
CENTJ 12(2):154-158. CELD ID 6039.

14. Wieland, C. 1998.

Book Review: Shattering the Myths of Darwinism by Richard Milton
CENTJ 12(2):158-160. CELD ID 6040.

15. Mehlert, AW. 1998.

A Close Link Between Evolutionary Theory and the Degeneration of Contemporary Society?
CENTJ 12(2):161-162. CELD ID 6041.

16. Malcolm, D. 1998.

Who Created God?
CENTJ 12(2):162-163. CELD ID 6042.

17. Klevberg, P; Chui, C. 1998.

Erosion Rates of Rock
CENTJ 12(2):163-165. CELD ID 6043.

18. Briarley, D; Sarfati, JD. 1998.

CENTJ 12(2):165. CELD ID 6044.

19. Malcolm, D. 1998.

Dinosaurs and the Flood
CENTJ 12(2):165. CELD ID 6045.

20. Gauld, C. 1998.

Speed of Light Decay
CENTJ 12(2):166. CELD ID 6046.

21. Faulkner, DR. 1998.

Is There a Gospel in the Stars?
CENTJ 12(2):169-173. CELD ID 6047.

22. Conner, SR; Page, DN. 1998.

Starlight and Time is the Big Bang
CENTJ 12(2):174-194. CELD ID 6048.

23. Humphreys, DR. 1998.

New Vistas in Space-Time Rebut the Critics
CENTJ 12(2):195-212. CELD ID 6049.

24. Berthault, G. 1998.

Genesis and Historical Geology: A Personal Perspective
CENTJ 12(2):213-217. CELD ID 6050.

25. Julien, PY; Lan, Y; Raslan, Y. 1998.

Experimental Mechanics of Sand Stratification
CENTJ 12(2):218-221. CELD ID 6051.

26. Lubenow, ML. 1998.

Pre-Adamites, Sin, Death and Human Fossils
CENTJ 12(2):222-232. CELD ID 6052.

27. Taylor, CV. 1998.

Babel and the Alphabet
CENTJ 12(2):233-236. CELD ID 6053.

28. Mortenson, T. 1998.

British Scriptural Geologists in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century: Part 3. George Bugg (1769-1851)
CENTJ 12(2):237-252. CELD ID 6054.

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