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Contents of Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 12(1)

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1. Wieland, C. 1998.

A shrinking date for 'Eve'
CENTJ 12(1):1-3. CELD ID 5997.

2. Sarfati, J. 1998.

Design in living organisms: motors
CENTJ 12(1):3-5. CELD ID 5998.

3. Batten, DJ. 1998.

'Junk' DNA (again)
CENTJ 12(1):5. CELD ID 5999.

4. Oard, MJ. 1998.

Bird-dinosaur link challenged
CENTJ 12(1):5-7. CELD ID 6000.

5. Snelling, AA. 1998.

New Australian fossil find threatens to upend mammal evolution
CENTJ 12(1):7-9. CELD ID 6001.

6. Oard, MJ. 1998.

The 100,000-year Milankovitch cycle of ice ages challenged
CENTJ 12(1):9-10. CELD ID 6002.

7. Snelling, AA. 1998.

Another neutrino deficit still a challenge
CENTJ 12(1):11-12. CELD ID 6003.

8. Snelling, AA. 1998.

The planet that may be there, after all!
CENTJ 12(1):12-13. CELD ID 6004.

9. Snelling, AA. 1998.

Cosmic snowballs questioned
CENTJ 12(1):13-14. CELD ID 6005.

10. Lane, DH. 1998.

Caged Minds? Creation, Modern Science and Christianity
CENTJ 12(1):15-19. CELD ID 6006.

11. Sarfati, JD. 1998.

If God Created the Universe, Then Who Created God?
CENTJ 12(1):20-22. CELD ID 6007.

12. Wieland, C. 1998.

Book Review: The Battle of Beginnings: Why Neither Side is Winning the Creation-Evolution Debate by Del Raztsch
CENTJ 12(1):23-28. CELD ID 6008.

13. Oard, MJ. 1998.

Book Review: Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds by Phillip E. Johnson
CENTJ 12(1):28-29. CELD ID 6009.

14. Sarfati, J. 1998.

Book Review: Climbing Mount Improbable by Richard Dawkins
CENTJ 12(1):29-34. CELD ID 6010.

15. Pagano, AR; Malcolm, D. 1998.

Philosophy, Logic and Science
CENTJ 12(1):35-37. CELD ID 6011.

16. Shackelford, DG. 1998.

The Days of Genesis 1
CENTJ 12(1):37-38. CELD ID 6012.

17. Sarfati, JD. 1998.

Is Genesis Poetic?
CENTJ 12(1):39. CELD ID 6013.

18. Fouts, D. 1998.

Peleg, and Biblical Scholarship
CENTJ 12(1):38-39. CELD ID 6014.

19. Sarfati, JD. 1998.

Cainan of Luke 3:36
CENTJ 12(1):39-40. CELD ID 6015.

20. Malcolm, D. 1998.

Humanism and Modern Mathematics
CENTJ 12(1):40-41. CELD ID 6016.

21. Stutz, H; Holt, RD. 1998.

The Post-Flood Boundary
CENTJ 12(1):41-46. CELD ID 6017.

22. Oard, MJ. 1998.

Gold Placers in Earth History
CENTJ 12(1):46-47. CELD ID 6018.

23. Bowden, M. 1998.

Reports of the Death of Speed of Light Decay are Premature
CENTJ 12(1):48-54. CELD ID 6019.

24. Robinson, SJ. 1998.

Dinosaurs in the Oardic Flood
CENTJ 12(1):55-68. CELD ID 6020.

25. Oard, MJ. 1998.

Dinosaurs in the Flood: A Response
CENTJ 12(1):69-86. CELD ID 6021.

26. Lubenow, ML. 1998.

Recovery of Neandertal mtDNA: An Evaluation
CENTJ 12(1):87-97. CELD ID 6022.

27. Williams, PJ. 1998.

Some Remarks Preliminary to a Biblical Chronology
CENTJ 12(1):98-106. CELD ID 6023.

28. Ferguson, S. 1998.

Humanism, Foundationalism and Modern Mathematics
CENTJ 12(1):107-114. CELD ID 6024.

29. Kaplan, J. 1998.

Robert Boyle: Christian Man of Science
CENTJ 12(1):115-120. CELD ID 6025.

30. McGinley, F. 1998.

An Instrumentalist Critique of Evolution
CENTJ 12(1):121-126. CELD ID 6026.

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