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Contents of Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 11(3)

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1. Faulkner, DR. 1997.

Comets and the Age of the Solar System
CENTJ 11(3):264-273. CELD ID 5057.

2. Harker, BR. 1997.

Evolution and the Olympics
CENTJ 11(3):274-27. CELD ID 5058.

3. Schonknecht, G; Scherer, S. 1997.

Too Much Coal for a Young Earth?
CENTJ 11(3):278-282. CELD ID 5059.

4. Ury, TH. 1997.

Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution by Michael J. Behe
CENTJ 11(3):283-291. CELD ID 5060.

5. Batten, D. 1997.

The Biotic Message: Evolution versus Message Theory by Walter James ReMine
CENTJ 11(3):292-298. CELD ID 5061.

6. Helweg, OJ. 1997.

How Long an Evening and Morning?
CENTJ 11(3):299-300. CELD ID 5062.

7. Shackelford, DG. 1997.

How Short an Evening and Morning?
CENTJ 11(3):301-303. CELD ID 5063.

8. Fouts, DM. 1997.

How Short an Evening and Morning?
CENTJ 11(3):303-304. CELD ID 5064.

9. Helweg, OJ. 1997.

How Short an Evening and Morning? Reply
CENTJ 11(3):304-306. CELD ID 5065.

10. Fouts, DM. 1997.

How Short an Evening and Morning?
CENTJ 11(3):307-308. CELD ID 5066.

11. Holt, RD. 1997.

The Flood/post-Flood Boundary
CENTJ 11(3):308-314. CELD ID 5067.

12. Mehlert, AW. 1997.

Thoughts on Flood Geology
CENTJ 11(3):314-318. CELD ID 5068.

13. Johns, WH. 1997.

Did Dinosaurs Lay Eggs and Hatch Young During the Flood?
CENTJ 11(3):317-323. CELD ID 5069.

14. Butel, CA; Watson, JA. 1997.

Earth's Division in Peleg's Day?
CENTJ 11(3):322-326. CELD ID 5070.

15. Goertzen, J; Kruger, MJ. 1997.

Genesis 2:5 and the Plants
CENTJ 11(3):326-327. CELD ID 5071.

16. Rayment, P; Kaplan, J. 1997.

Biblical Chronology
CENTJ 11(3):327-328. CELD ID 5072.

17. Briarley, D. 1997.

Cainan of Luke 3:36
CENTJ 11(3):328. CELD ID 5073.

18. Briarley, D. 1997.

Archaeology and Chronology
CENTJ 11(3):328-329. CELD ID 5074.

19. Lalomov, AV; Tabolitch, SE. 1997.

Gold Placers in Earth History
CENTJ 11(3):330-334. CELD ID 5075.

20. Chui, C. 1997.

An Experiment on the Erosion Rates of Rocks
CENTJ 11(3):335-343. CELD ID 5076.

21. Williams, PJ. 1997.

What Does min Mean?
CENTJ 11(3):344-352. CELD ID 5077.

22. Bergman, J. 1997.

Understanding Poisons from a Creationist Perspective
CENTJ 11(3):353-360. CELD ID 5078.

23. Mortenson, T. 1997.

British Scriptural Geologists in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century: Part 2. Granville Penn (1761-1844)
CENTJ 11(3):361-374. CELD ID 5079.

24. Snelling, AA. 1997.

Solar neutrinos-the critical shortfall still elusive
CENTJ 11(3):253-254. CELD ID 7281.

25. Snelling, AA. 1997.

Galaxy-Quasar 'connection' defies evolution
CENTJ 11(3):254-255. CELD ID 7282.

26. Snelling, AA. 1997.

Cosmic snowballs bombard the Earth
CENTJ 11(3):255-256. CELD ID 7283.

27. Snelling, AA. 1997.

'Old' rocks where they shouldn't be
CENTJ 11(3):257-258. CELD ID 7284.

28. Wieland, C. 1997.

A challenge to traditional cultural anthropology
CENTJ 11(3):258-259. CELD ID 7285.

29. Oard, MJ. 1997.

Another tropical ice age?
CENTJ 11(3):259-260. CELD ID 7286.

30. Oard, MJ. 1997.

Could BIFs be caused by the fountains of the great deep?
CENTJ 11(3):261-262. CELD ID 7287.

31. Batten, D. 1997.

Mechanical Biology
CENTJ 11(3):262-263. CELD ID 7288.

32. Wieland, C. 1997.

New bat species puzzle
CENTJ 11(3):263. CELD ID 7289.

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