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Contents of Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 11(1)

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1. Shackelford, DG. 1997.

The Relationship Between the Fall, the Curse and the Gospel, and its Incompatibilty with Theistic Evolution
CENTJ 11(1):11-17. CELD ID 5021.

2. Bauman, M. 1997.

Between Jerusalem and the Laboratory: A Theologian Looks at Science
CENTJ 11(1):18-24. CELD ID 5022.

3. Ury, T. 1997.

Mere Creation Conference
CENTJ 11(1):25-30. CELD ID 5023.

4. Sarfati, JD. 1997.

Blood Types and their Origin
CENTJ 11(1):31-32. CELD ID 5024.

5. Rohl, DM. 1997.

A Test of Time: The Bible - From Myth to History Volume 1
CENTJ 11(1):33-35. CELD ID 5025.

6. Mehlert, AW. 1997.

The Facts of Life: Shattering the Myths of Darwinism by Richard Milton
CENTJ 11(1):35-37. CELD ID 5026.

7. Oard, MJ. 1997.

Dinosaur Tracks and Other Fossil Footprints of the Western United States by Martin Lockley and Adrian P. Hunt
CENTJ 11(1):37-39. CELD ID 5027.

8. Froede, CR. 1997.

The Global Stratigraphic Record
CENTJ 11(1):40-45. CELD ID 5028.

9. Smelt, S. 1997.

The Biblical Record and the Geological Record
CENTJ 11(1):45-46. CELD ID 5029.

10. Kaplan, J. 1997.

Rock Colouration
CENTJ 11(1):46-47. CELD ID 5030.

11. Briarley, D. 1997.

The Origin of Life
CENTJ 11(1):47. CELD ID 5031.

12. Etz, DV; Wieland, C. 1997.

Archaeoastronomy Theory - Is It the Pits?
CENTJ 11(1):47-49. CELD ID 5032.

13. Briarley, D. 1997.

Early History of Man
CENTJ 11(1):49-50. CELD ID 5033.

14. Woodmorappe, J. 1997.

Precambrian Geology
CENTJ 11(1):50-51. CELD ID 5034.

15. Malcolm, D. 1997.

Suffering and the Problem of Evil
CENTJ 11(1):51. CELD ID 5035.

16. Vardiman, L. 1997.

Rapid Changes in Oxygen Isotope Content of Ice Cores Caused by Fractionation and Trajectory Dispersion near the Edge of an Ice Shelf
CENTJ 11(1):52-61. CELD ID 5036.

17. Hoskin, W. 1997.

Sedimentation Experiments: Is Extrapolation Appropriate?
CENTJ 11(1):61-64. CELD ID 5037.

18. Berthault, G. 1997.

Sedimentation Experiments: Is Extrapolation Appropriate? A Reply
CENTJ 11(1):65-70. CELD ID 5038.

19. Watson, JA. 1997.

The Division of the Earth in Peleg's Days: Tectonic or Linguistic?
CENTJ 11(1):71-75. CELD ID 5039.

20. Taylor, CV. 1997.

The Origin of Language
CENTJ 11(1):76-81. CELD ID 5040.

21. Bergman, J. 1997.

Cell Cycle Control and Paley's Watch
CENTJ 11(1):82-92. CELD ID 5041.

22. Armitage, MH. 1997.

Man, Micro-Parasites and Electron Microscopy of Trematodes
CENTJ 11(1):93-105. CELD ID 5042.

23. Kruger, MJ. 1997.

An Understanding of Genesis 2:5
CENTJ 11(1):106-110. CELD ID 5043.

24. Pacini, RS. 1997.

In Search of Amelek
CENTJ 11(1):111-123. CELD ID 5044.

25. Snelling, AA. 1997.

Saturn's rings short-lived and young
CENTJ 11(1):1. CELD ID 7266.

26. Snelling, AA. 1997.

Origin of life even earlier
CENTJ 11(1):2-4. CELD ID 7267.

27. Sarfati, JD. 1997.

Self-replicating enzymes
CENTJ 11(1):4-6. CELD ID 7268.

28. Oard, MJ. 1997.

A classic tillite reclassified as a submarine debris flow
CENTJ 11(1):7. CELD ID 7269.

29. Snelling, AA. 1997.

New vertebrate remains from the Late Cambrian?
CENTJ 11(1):8-9. CELD ID 7270.

30. Oard, MJ. 1997.

Greenland ice cores indicate massive ice age volcanism
CENTJ 11(1):9-10. CELD ID 7271.

31. Batten, D. 1997.

The trouble with teeth
CENTJ 11(1):10. CELD ID 7272.

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