1. Swee-Eng, A. 1996. The Origin of Life: A Critique of Current Scientific ModelsCENTJ 10(3):300-314. CELD ID 4945.
The Origin of Life: A Critique of Current Scientific Models
2. Wise, KP. 1996. North American Paleontology Convention96CENTJ 10(3):315-321. CELD ID 4946.
North American Paleontology Convention96
3. Bohlin, RG. 1996. Book Review: River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of LifeCENTJ 10(3):322-327. CELD ID 4947.
Book Review: River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life
4. Oard, MJ. 1996. Book Review: Sea-Floor Sediment and the Age of the EarthCENTJ 10(3):328-329. CELD ID 4948.
Book Review: Sea-Floor Sediment and the Age of the Earth
5. Oard, MJ. 1996. Book Review: Noah's Ark: A Feasibility StudyCENTJ 10(3):329-330. CELD ID 4949.
Book Review: Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study
6. Blievernicht, EJ. 1996. Genesis Flood or Cataclysm?CENTJ 10(3):331-332. CELD ID 4950.
Genesis Flood or Cataclysm?
7. Stewart, AG; Beasley, G. 1996. Archaic Fossil HumansCENTJ 10(3):332. CELD ID 4951.
Archaic Fossil Humans
8. Snelling, AA; Ernst, M; Scheven, E; Scheven, J; Austin, SA; Wise, KP; Garner, P; Garton, M; Tyler, D. 1996. The Geological RecordCENTJ 10(3):333-334. CELD ID 4952.
The Geological Record
9. Austin, SA. 1996. Excess Argon within Mineral Concentrates from the New Dacite Lava Dome at Mount St Helens VolcanoCENTJ 10(3):335-343. CELD ID 4953.
Excess Argon within Mineral Concentrates from the New Dacite Lava Dome at Mount St Helens Volcano
10. Hunter, MJ. 1996. Is the pre-Flood/Flood Boundary in the Earth's Mantle?CENTJ 10(3):344-357. CELD ID 4954.
Is the pre-Flood/Flood Boundary in the Earth's Mantle?
11. Allen, D. 1996. Sediment Transport and the Genesis Flood - Case Studies including the Hawkesbury Sandstone, SydneyCENTJ 10(3):358-372. CELD ID 4955.
Sediment Transport and the Genesis Flood - Case Studies including the Hawkesbury Sandstone, Sydney
12. Lalomov, AV; Tabolitch, SE. 1996. Catastrophism in Geology: Determination of the Generation Time of Coastal Submarine Placers Based on Mathematical ModellingCENTJ 10(3):373-378. CELD ID 4956.
Catastrophism in Geology: Determination of the Generation Time of Coastal Submarine Placers Based on Mathematical Modelling
13. Walker, T. 1996. The Great Artesian Basin, AustraliaCENTJ 10(3):379-390. CELD ID 4957.
The Great Artesian Basin, Australia
14. Stambaugh, J. 1996. Creation, Suffering and the Problem of EvilCENTJ 10(3):391-404. CELD ID 4958.
Creation, Suffering and the Problem of Evil
15. Bergman, J. 1996. Censorship of Information on OriginsCENTJ 10(3):405-417. CELD ID 4959.
Censorship of Information on Origins
16. Oard, MJ. 1996. Galaxies near the edge of the universe may be matureCENTJ 10(3):291-292. CELD ID 7260.
Galaxies near the edge of the universe may be mature
17. Wieland, C. 1996. Jupiter's moons fascinatingCENTJ 10(3):292. CELD ID 7261.
Jupiter's moons fascinating
18. Sarfati, JD. 1996. Life from Mars?CENTJ 10(3):293-296. CELD ID 7262.
Life from Mars?
19. Wieland, C. 1996. Fish scales in the CambrianCENTJ 10(3):297. CELD ID 7263.
Fish scales in the Cambrian
20. Wieland, C. 1996. At last, a good mutation?CENTJ 10(3):298. CELD ID 7264.
At last, a good mutation?
21. Oard, MJ. 1996. K-Ar dating results in major landform surprisesCENTJ 10(3):298-299. CELD ID 7265.
K-Ar dating results in major landform surprises