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Contents of Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 10(2)

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1. Gitt, W. 1996.

Information, Science and Biology
CENTJ 10(2):181-187. CELD ID 4931.

2. Kay, M. 1996.

Of Paul Davies and The Mind of God
CENTJ 10(2):188-193. CELD ID 4932.

3. Kaplan, J; Cooper, B. 1996.

Mordecai, Daniel and the Table of Nations
CENTJ 10(2):194. CELD ID 4933.

4. Barnes, P; Bergman, J. 1996.

Contemporary Suppression of the Theistic World View
CENTJ 10(2):194-196. CELD ID 4934.

5. Kenyon, AK; Smith, FG. 1996.

The Name Jehovah in Genesis
CENTJ 10(2):196-200. CELD ID 4935.

6. Chaffin, E. 1996.

Triassic Basins and the Flood
CENTJ 10(2):200-201. CELD ID 4936.

7. Williams, EL. 1996.

Flood/post-Flood Boundary - A Commentary
CENTJ 10(2):201. CELD ID 4937.

8. Bergman, J. 1996.

Advances in Integrating Cosmology: The Case of Cometesimals
CENTJ 10(2):202-210. CELD ID 4938.

9. Taylor, CV. 1996.

Waters Above or Beyond?
CENTJ 10(2):211-213. CELD ID 4939.

10. Kruger, M. 1996.

Genesis 6-9: Does 'All' Always Mean All?
CENTJ 10(2):214-218. CELD ID 4940.

11. Mehlert, AW. 1996.

Australopithecus and Homo habilis - Pre-Human Ancestors?
CENTJ 10(2):219-240. CELD ID 4941.

12. Walker, T. 1996.

The Basement Rocks of the Brisbane Area, Australia: Where Do They Fit in the Creation Model?
CENTJ 10(2):241-257. CELD ID 4942.

13. Oard, MJ. 1996.

Where is the Flood/post-Flood Boundary in the Rock Record?
CENTJ 10(2):258-278. CELD ID 4943.

14. Woodmorappe, J. 1996.

Studies in Flood Geology: Clarifications Related to the 'Reality' of the Geologic Column
CENTJ 10(2):279-290. CELD ID 4944.

15. Oard, MJ. 1996.

More surprising discoveries in the Solar System
CENTJ 10(2):169-170. CELD ID 7252.

16. Wieland, C. 1996.

Latin lizards: Logos vs Lottery
CENTJ 10(2):170. CELD ID 7253.

17. Oard, MJ. 1996.

Evolution pushed further into the past
CENTJ 10(2):171-172. CELD ID 7254.

18. Wieland, C. 1996.

'Lost world of mutants' discovered
CENTJ 10(2):172-173. CELD ID 7255.

19. Oard, MJ. 1996.

Are those 'old' landforms in Australia really old
CENTJ 10(2):174-175. CELD ID 7256.

20. Snelling, AA. 1996.

'Rapid' granite formation?
CENTJ 10(2):175-177. CELD ID 7257.

21. Oard, MJ. 1996.

The absolute dating of desert varnish likely inaccurate
CENTJ 10(2):178-179. CELD ID 7258.

22. Batten, D. 1996.

Mad Cows and Evolution
CENTJ 10(2):180. CELD ID 7259.

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