1. Lubenow, ML. 1996. Paleoanthropology in ReviewCENTJ 10(1):10-17. CELD ID 4914.
Paleoanthropology in Review
2. Wieland, C. 1996. Book Review: The Scandal of the Evangelical MindCENTJ 10(1):18-20. CELD ID 4915.
Book Review: The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind
3. Oard, MJ. 1996. Book Review: Darwin's Creation-MythCENTJ 10(1):20-21. CELD ID 4916.
Book Review: Darwin's Creation-Myth
4. Oard, MJ. 1996. Book Review: Dinosaur Eggs and BabiesCENTJ 10(1):21-22. CELD ID 4917.
Book Review: Dinosaur Eggs and Babies
5. Taylor, CV. 1996. The Origin of LanguageCENTJ 10(1):23-25. CELD ID 4918.
The Origin of Language
6. To, L. 1996. The Big Bang and the 'Background' RadiationCENTJ 10(1):25. CELD ID 4919.
The Big Bang and the 'Background' Radiation
7. Chapman, G; Johnston, BD; Wise, KP. 1996. Those 'Transitional Forms'CENTJ 10(1):26-27. CELD ID 4920.
Those 'Transitional Forms'
8. Goldberg, A. 1996. The Sun and MoonCENTJ 10(1):28. CELD ID 4921.
The Sun and Moon
9. Molen, M. 1996. Continental Drift AgainCENTJ 10(1):28. CELD ID 4922.
Continental Drift Again
10. Snelling, AA. 1996. Where should we place the Flood/post-Flood Boundary in the Geological Record?CENTJ 10(1):29-31. CELD ID 4923.
Where should we place the Flood/post-Flood Boundary in the Geological Record?
11. Robinson, SJ. 1996. Can Flood Geology Explain the Fossil Record?CENTJ 10(1):32-69. CELD ID 4924.
Can Flood Geology Explain the Fossil Record?
12. Scheven, J. 1996. The Carboniferous Floating Forest; An Extinct pre-Flood EcosystemCENTJ 10(1):70-81. CELD ID 4925.
The Carboniferous Floating Forest; An Extinct pre-Flood Ecosystem
13. Garton, M. 1996. The Pattern of Fossil Tracks in the Geological RecordCENTJ 10(1):82-100. CELD ID 4926.
The Pattern of Fossil Tracks in the Geological Record
14. Garner, P. 1996. Where is the Flood/post-Flood Boundary? Implications of Dinosaur Nests in the MesozoicCENTJ 10(1):101-106. CELD ID 4927.
Where is the Flood/post-Flood Boundary? Implications of Dinosaur Nests in the Mesozoic
15. Tyler, DJ. 1996. A post-Flood Solution to the Chalk ProblemCENTJ 10(1):107-113. CELD ID 4928.
A post-Flood Solution to the Chalk Problem
16. Garner, P. 1996. Continental Flood Basalts Indicate a pre-Mesozoic Flood/post-Flood BoundaryCENTJ 10(1):114-127. CELD ID 4929.
Continental Flood Basalts Indicate a pre-Mesozoic Flood/post-Flood Boundary
17. Holt, RD. 1996. Evidence For a Late Cainozoic Flood/post-Flood BoundaryCENTJ 10(1):128-167. CELD ID 4930.
Evidence For a Late Cainozoic Flood/post-Flood Boundary
18. Snelling, AA. 1996. Microscopic diamonds confound geologistsCENTJ 10(1):1-2. CELD ID 7245.
Microscopic diamonds confound geologists
19. Oard, MJ. 1996. Possible analogue for the Heart Mountain detachmentCENTJ 10(1):3-4. CELD ID 7246.
Possible analogue for the Heart Mountain detachment
20. Oard, MJ. 1996. Thick coal seams challenge uniformitarianismCENTJ 10(1):5-6. CELD ID 7247.
Thick coal seams challenge uniformitarianism
21. Batten, D. 1996. 'Simple'? Whole Bacterial Genome SequencedCENTJ 10(1):6-7. CELD ID 7248.
'Simple'? Whole Bacterial Genome Sequenced
22. Oard, MJ. 1996. What do ocean bottom pits tell us?CENTJ 10(1):7-8. CELD ID 7249.
What do ocean bottom pits tell us?
23. Sivertsen, WI. 1996. The origin of life (again)CENTJ 10(1):8. CELD ID 7250.
The origin of life (again)
24. Wieland, C. 1996. Archaeoastronomy theory-Is it the pits?CENTJ 10(1):9. CELD ID 7251.
Archaeoastronomy theory-Is it the pits?