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Contents of Bible and Spade 4(4)

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1. Wright, GE. 1974.

How did early Israel differ from her neighbors?
BibleSpade 4(4):97-108. CELD ID 10272.

2. Smith, RH. 1974.

Sarcophagi and the early church
BibleSpade 4(4):109-118. CELD ID 10273.

3. Wood, BG. 1974.

Ararat '74
BibleSpade 4(4):119-123. CELD ID 10274.

4. Waltz, EL. 1974.

Space age Ark-aeology
BibleSpade 4(4):124-128. CELD ID 10275.

5. Wood, BG. 1975.

Cities in Bible times
BibleSpade 4(4):97-115. CELD ID 10288.

6. Wood, BG. 1975.

The land of Sheba
BibleSpade 4(4):117-128. CELD ID 10289.

7. Wood, BG. 1975.

Iraq set to rebuild the Tower of Babel
BibleSpade 4(4):129. CELD ID 10290.

8. Wood, BG. 1975.

Is there any definite proof that Noah's Ark has been found?
BibleSpade 4(4):130-132. CELD ID 10291.

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