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Contents of Bible and Spade 4(2-3)

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1. Wood, BG. 1975.

Sennacherib, Hezekiah, and a "Bible problem"
BibleSpade 4(2-3):33-41. CELD ID 10281.

2. Wood, BG. 1975.

Water systems of ancient Jerusalem
BibleSpade 4(2-3):42-56. CELD ID 10282.

3. Orlinsky, HM. 1975.

The fall of Jerusalem in the light of Archaeology
BibleSpade 4(2-3):57-71. CELD ID 10283.

4. Cox, RL. 1975.

Afoot to Assos
BibleSpade 4(2-3):72-77. CELD ID 10284.

5. Wood, BG. 1975.

1400 year old ring found depicting the Holy Sepulchre
BibleSpade 4(2-3):78. CELD ID 10285.

6. Wood, BG. 1975.

Turkey closed to 1975 Ararat expedition
BibleSpade 4(2-3):80-81. CELD ID 10286.

7. Wood, BG. 1975.

Is it true that space scientists at NASA have confirmed Joshua's missing day with their computers?
BibleSpade 4(2-3):82-86. CELD ID 10287.

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