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Contents of Bible and Spade 4(2)

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1. Mare, HW. 1974.

The place of Christ's crucifixion and burial
BibleSpade 4(2):33-39. CELD ID 10263.

2. Cox, RL. 1974.

The pool of Gibeon
BibleSpade 4(2):40-44. CELD ID 10264.

3. Wood, BG. 1974.

Inscription found under the Church of the Holy Sepulcher
BibleSpade 4(2):45-47. CELD ID 10265.

4. Wood, BG. 1974.

The Giv'at ha-Mivtar inscription and the tomb of Joseph of Arimathaea
BibleSpade 4(2):48-49. CELD ID 10266.

5. Wood, BG. 1974.

Samson and the house of Dagon
BibleSpade 4(2):50-54. CELD ID 10267.

6. Wood, BG. 1974.

Was O'Callaghan's bombshell a dud?
BibleSpade 4(2):55. CELD ID 10268.

7. Wood, BG. 1974.

Searching for clues to the conquest at Heshbon
BibleSpade 4(2):56-58. CELD ID 10269.

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