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Contents of Bible and Spade 4(1)

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1. Wilson, CA. 1974.

The doctor who wrote history
BibleSpade 4(1):1-7. CELD ID 10259.

2. Wood, BG. 1974.

Elamite city of Anshan found in southwest Iran
BibleSpade 4(1):10-14. CELD ID 10260.

3. Cox, RL. 1974.

Rendezvous with Jeroboam
BibleSpade 4(1):15-20. CELD ID 10261.

4. Wood, BG. 1974.

Beer-sheba - city of the patriarchs
BibleSpade 4(1):21-27. CELD ID 10262.

5. Yadin, Y. 1975.

A Jewish archaeologist's finest hours
BibleSpade 4(1):1-9. CELD ID 10276.

6. Cox, RL. 1975.

A theater and the church
BibleSpade 4(1):10-14. CELD ID 10277.

7. Wood, BG. 1975.

Altar of Artemis found at Ephesus
BibleSpade 4(1):15-20. CELD ID 10278.

8. Wood, BG. 1975.

Evidence of child sacrifice found at Zarapath
BibleSpade 4(1):21-24. CELD ID 10279.

9. Wenham, J. 1975.

Those puzzling Old Testament numbers
BibleSpade 4(1):25-27. CELD ID 10280.

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