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Contents of Bible and Spade 2(4)

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1. Burdick, DW. 1973.

Pioneering with Paul Part II - Corinth to Miletus
BibleSpade 2(4):97-104. CELD ID 10182.

2. Wood, BG. 1973.

"In the blood is life" - A common belief in ancient times?
BibleSpade 2(4):105-114. CELD ID 10183.

3. Wood, BG. 1973.

High state officials under David and Solomon
BibleSpade 2(4):115-119. CELD ID 10184.

4. Wood, BG. 1973.

Yigael Yadin completes study of 2,000-year-old Temple Scroll
BibleSpade 2(4):120-121. CELD ID 10185.

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