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Contents of Bible and Spade 2(3)

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1. Burdick, DW. 1973.

Pioneering with Paul Part I - Perga to Athens
BibleSpade 2(3):65-72. CELD ID 10177.

2. Millard, AR. 1973.

The practice of writing in ancient Israel
BibleSpade 2(3):73-82. CELD ID 10178.

3. Cox, RL. 1973.

"'Ai' ain't Ai!"
BibleSpade 2(3):83-88. CELD ID 10179.

4. Wood, BG. 1973.

Jar handles tell a story
BibleSpade 2(3):89-90. CELD ID 10180.

5. Wood, BG. 1973.

Israeli archaeological exhibit coming to the U.S.
BibleSpade 2(3):91-92. CELD ID 10181.

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