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Contents of Bible and Spade 1(3)

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1. Wood, BG. 1972.

Editorial comment
BibleSpade 1(3):65. CELD ID 10074.

2. Wilson, C. 1972.

Solomon and Israel's golden age Part II - Building activities and the Queen of Sheba
BibleSpade 1(3):67-70. CELD ID 10075.

3. Wilson, C. 1972.

The Bible was right after all Part III - Animals of the Bible
BibleSpade 1(3):71-74. CELD ID 10076.

4. Wood, BG. 1972.

New version found of Josephus' reference to Christ
BibleSpade 1(3):75-76. CELD ID 10077.

5. Wood, BG. 1972.

First century temple stairs uncovered
BibleSpade 1(3):77-78. CELD ID 10078.

6. Wood, BG. 1972.

Site of Christ's miracle identified
BibleSpade 1(3):79-81. CELD ID 10079.

7. Wood, BG. 1972.

Gashmu, Nehemiah's adversary
BibleSpade 1(3):82-83. CELD ID 10080.

8. Wood, BG. 1972.

Genesis 5 and 11B - From Moses or Mesopotamia?
BibleSpade 1(3):84-86. CELD ID 10081.

9. Wood, BG. 1972.

Ark-aeology '72
BibleSpade 1(3):87. CELD ID 10082.

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