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Contents of Biblical Creation 8(24)

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1. Watts, D. 1986.

Editorial: 'Christianity Challenges the University'
Bib Cr 8(24):69. CELD ID 7079.

2. Jones, H. 1986.

Literal or literary? A review article of In the Beginning by Henri Blocher
Bib Cr 8(24):71-79. CELD ID 7080.

3. Darrall, N. 1986.

Survival of plant life during the Flood in the time of Noah
Bib Cr 8(24):81-96. CELD ID 7081.

4. Coleman, S. 1986.

Bib Cr 8(24):97. CELD ID 7082.

5. Geard, S. 1986.

Bib Cr 8(24):98. CELD ID 7083.

6. Peet, JHJ. 1986.

Bib Cr 8(24):99. CELD ID 7084.

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