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Contents of Biblical Creation 7(20)

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1. Jones, A. 1985.

Guest editorial: Sacred and secular?
Bib Cr 7(20):33-34. CELD ID 7097.

2. Tyler, DJ. 1985.

Creationism in Japan
Bib Cr 7(20):35-37. CELD ID 7098.

3. Darnbrough, C. 1985.

Genes - Created but evolving
Bib Cr 7(20):38-57. CELD ID 7099.

4. Bowden, M. 1985.

Bib Cr 7(20):58. CELD ID 7100.

5. Watts, D. 1985.

Rock strata and the geological column
Bib Cr 7(20):59-65. CELD ID 7101.

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