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Contents of Biblical Creation 7(19)

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1. Watts, D. 1985.

Editorial: Creation and controversy
Bib Cr 7(19):1. CELD ID 7102.

2. Roberts, MB. 1985.

All at sea with faith - And history: Cupitt's broken arrows on the history of science
Bib Cr 7(19):3-8. CELD ID 7103.

3. Watson, DCC. 1985.

C.S. Lewis and evolution
Bib Cr 7(19):9-10. CELD ID 7104.

4. Fisher, GA. 1985.

Creationism needs catastrophism
Bib Cr 7(19):11-16. CELD ID 7105.

5. Duce, P. 1985.

Entropy: Fact, speculation and fiction
Bib Cr 7(19):17-27. CELD ID 7106.

6. Tyler, DJ. 1985.

Book Review: Life Itself. Its origin and nature
Bib Cr 7(19):28-32. CELD ID 7107.

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