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Contents of Biblical Creation 6(18)

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1. Tyler, DJ. 1984.

Bib Cr 6(18):3-4,53. CELD ID 7108.

2. Scheven, J. 1984.

The interpretation of fossils and the principle of actualism
Bib Cr 6(18):5-19. CELD ID 7109.

3. Watts, DC. 1984.

Fossils and the Fall
Bib Cr 6(18):20-21. CELD ID 7110.

4. Bluth, C. 1984.

The origin of invertebrate life in the Precambrian: An impasse in evolutionary theory
Bib Cr 6(18):22-31. CELD ID 7111.

5. Tyler, DJ. 1984.

Book review: The Myths of Human Evolution
Bib Cr 6(18):32-36. CELD ID 7112.

6. Duffett, G. 1984.

A linkological study of man and ape
Bib Cr 6(18):37-42. CELD ID 7113.

7. Tyler, DJ. 1984.

The Guadeloupe skeletons: In the steps of Cuvier
Bib Cr 6(18):43-52,36. CELD ID 7114.

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