1. Watts, D. 1983. Creation, humanity and God's WordBib Cr 4(13):67-68. CELD ID 7134.
Creation, humanity and God's Word
2. Peet, JHJ. 1983. Creationism in GermanyBib Cr 4(13):69-70. CELD ID 7135.
Creationism in Germany
3. Matthews, MG. 1983. Let God be trueBib Cr 4(13):71-73. CELD ID 7136.
Let God be true
4. Bowden, M. 1983. CorrespondenceBib Cr 4(13):74. CELD ID 7137.
5. Couchman, D. 1983. CorrespondenceBib Cr 4(13):74. CELD ID 7138.
6. Pott, D. 1983. Philip Henry Gosse - (1810-1888)Bib Cr 4(13):75-83. CELD ID 7139.
Philip Henry Gosse - (1810-1888)
7. Baker, BF. 1983. Thinking again about AdamBib Cr 4(13):84-87. CELD ID 7140.
Thinking again about Adam
8. Bluth, C. 1983. Creationism defended: A creationist response to Michael Ruse: A review article of "Darwinism Defended: A Guide to the Evolution Controversies"Bib Cr 4(13):88-100. CELD ID 7141.
Creationism defended: A creationist response to Michael Ruse: A review article of "Darwinism Defended: A Guide to the Evolution Controversies"
9. Watts, D. 1983. Book review: The View from Planet Earth: Man looks at the CosmosBib Cr 4(13):101. CELD ID 7142.
Book review: The View from Planet Earth: Man looks at the Cosmos