1. Cameron, NMdeS. 1982. Taking stockBib Cr 4(12):33-34. CELD ID 7143.
Taking stock
2. Reiss, M. 1982. CorrespondenceBib Cr 4(12):36-37. CELD ID 7144.
3. Duffett, G. 1982. CorrespondenceBib Cr 4(12):37. CELD ID 7145.
4. Rivers, DJ; Tyler, DJ. 1982. Withycombe Barton Christian Field Study Centre Exmouth, DevonBib Cr 4(12):38-39. CELD ID 7146.
Withycombe Barton Christian Field Study Centre Exmouth, Devon
5. Watts, D. 1982. God's revelation in nature: A study in Romans 1:18-21Bib Cr 4(12):40-51. CELD ID 7147.
God's revelation in nature: A study in Romans 1:18-21
6. Lambert, GR. 1982. The significance of editing mechanisms in biological information transferBib Cr 4(12):52-57. CELD ID 7148.
The significance of editing mechanisms in biological information transfer
7. Reiss, MJ. 1982. Book review: A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative CausationBib Cr 4(12):58-63. CELD ID 7149.
Book review: A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation
8. Watts, D. 1982. Book review: Man: Ape or Image - The Christian's DilemmaBib Cr 4(12):64. CELD ID 7150.
Book review: Man: Ape or Image - The Christian's Dilemma
9. Watts, D. 1982. Book review: The Neck of the Giraffe or where Darwin went wrongBib Cr 4(12):65. CELD ID 7151.
Book review: The Neck of the Giraffe or where Darwin went wrong
10. Whitworth, C. 1982. Book review: In the BeginningBib Cr 4(12):66. CELD ID 7152.
Book review: In the Beginning