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Contents of Biblical Creation 4(11)

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1. Watts, D. 1982.

The transatlantic connection
Bib Cr 4(11):1. CELD ID 7153.

2. Rivers, D. 1982.

Visit of Dr. Duane Gish to Britain
Bib Cr 4(11):2-3. CELD ID 7154.

3. Halstead, LB. 1982.

Bib Cr 4(11):4. CELD ID 7155.

4. Peet, JHJ. 1982.

The teaching of evolution and creation
Bib Cr 4(11):5-10. CELD ID 7156.

5. Bimson, JJ; Tyler, DJ. 1982.

The early history of Israel and its neighbours
Bib Cr 4(11):11-17. CELD ID 7157.

6. Griffiths, JB. 1982.

On the big bang theory of creation
Bib Cr 4(11):18-24. CELD ID 7158.

7. Duffett, G. 1982.

Human life support factors in Genesis one
Bib Cr 4(11):25-27. CELD ID 7159.

8. Baker, S. 1982.

Biology book list
Bib Cr 4(11):28-30. CELD ID 7160.

9. Tyler, DJ. 1982.

Book review: The Creation-Evolution Controversy
Bib Cr 4(11):31-32. CELD ID 7161.

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