1. Cameron, NMdeS. 1981. Four years onBib Cr 3(8):2-3. CELD ID 7177.
Four years on
2. Davie, LR. 1981. Edinburgh ConferenceBib Cr 3(8):4. CELD ID 7178.
Edinburgh Conference
3. Cameron, NMdeS. 1981. Creation in the newsBib Cr 3(8):4-7. CELD ID 7179.
Creation in the news
4. Anonymous. 1981. A bill for the U.S. CongressBib Cr 3(8):8-10. CELD ID 7180.
A bill for the U.S. Congress
5. Silversides, D. 1981. Do we need parent-controlled Christian schools?Bib Cr 3(8):11-15. CELD ID 7181.
Do we need parent-controlled Christian schools?
6. McConville, JG. 1981. A short reading list for the study of the early chapters of GenesisBib Cr 3(8):16-20. CELD ID 7182.
A short reading list for the study of the early chapters of Genesis
7. Tyler, DJ. 1981. The legacy of the midwife toadBib Cr 3(8):21-23. CELD ID 7183.
The legacy of the midwife toad
8. Whitworth, C. 1981. Book review: Creation and EvolutionBib Cr 3(8):23-24. CELD ID 7184.
Book review: Creation and Evolution