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Contents of Biblical Creation 3(7)

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1. Watts, DC. 1980.

Bib Cr 3(7):67. CELD ID 7185.

2. Moberly, RWL. 1980.

Letter to the editor
Bib Cr 3(7):68-70. CELD ID 7186.

3. Cameron, NMdeS. 1980.

Letter to the editor
Bib Cr 3(7):70-71. CELD ID 7187.

4. McGreevy, C. 1980.

Letter to the editor
Bib Cr 3(7):72. CELD ID 7188.

5. Sharp, J. 1980.

Teaching science in a Christian perspective
Bib Cr 3(7):73-84. CELD ID 7189.

6. Buss, MC. 1980.

The Hebrew and Babylonian creation narratives
Bib Cr 3(7):85-94. CELD ID 7190.

7. Baker, B. 1980.

Book review: Christianity with a Human Face
Bib Cr 3(7):95-96. CELD ID 7191.

8. Watts, DC. 1980.

Book review: The Earth, the Stars and the Bible
Bib Cr 3(7):96-97. CELD ID 7192.

9. McConville, JG. 1980.

Book review: Clues to Creation in Genesis
Bib Cr 3(7):98-99. CELD ID 7193.

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