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Contents of Biblical Creation 1(3)

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1. Cameron, NMdeS. 1979.

Interpreting scripture
Bib Cr 1(3):79. CELD ID 15904.

2. Baker, S. 1979.

'Life on Earth'
Bib Cr 1(3):79-80. CELD ID 15905.

3. McConville, GJ. 1979.

Yom - day
Bib Cr 1(3):85-86. CELD ID 15906.

4. Macaulay, R. 1979.

History and theology in Genesis 1-3
Bib Cr 1(3):87-92. CELD ID 15907.

5. Watts, D. 1979.

Earth's origin; earth's destiny: Peter's teaching on Creation and theFlood
Bib Cr 1(3):93-99. CELD ID 15908.

6. Warfield, BB. 1979.

Darwin's argument against Christianity and against religion
Bib Cr 1(3):100-106. CELD ID 15909.

7. Cameron, NMdeS. 1979.

Thinking again about evolution
Bib Cr 1(3):107-109. CELD ID 15910.

8. Hamblin, T. 1979.

Book review: Ape-Men - Fact or Fallacy
Bib Cr 1(3):110-111. CELD ID 15911.

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