1. Cameron, NMdeS. 1978. EditorialBib Cr 1(1):3-4. CELD ID 7213.
2. Watts, D. 1978. Investigating origins - some scientific issuesBib Cr 1(1):6-14. CELD ID 7214.
Investigating origins - some scientific issues
3. Weekes, N. 1978. Interpreting Genesis: The hermeneutical problem of Genesis 1-11Bib Cr 1(1):15-27. CELD ID 7215.
Interpreting Genesis: The hermeneutical problem of Genesis 1-11
4. McConville, G. 1978. Book Review: Creation and the FloodBib Cr 1(1):28-30. CELD ID 7216.
Book Review: Creation and the Flood
5. Verschueren, P. 1978. Book review: Evolution: Possible or Impossible?Bib Cr 1(1):31-32. CELD ID 7217.
Book review: Evolution: Possible or Impossible?