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Contents of B'Or Ha'Torah 17

Browse contents of B'Or Ha'Torah

1. Branover, H; Attia, I. 2007.

In this unique issue
BH 17:3. CELD ID 21446.

2. Spetner, LM. 2007.

Teaching evolution in Jewish schools
BH 17:5-14. CELD ID 21447.

3. Kam-Ron, E. 2007.

The first day of Omer
BH 17:15. CELD ID 21448.

4. Zeiger, E. 2007.

A unified view of Torah and evolution
BH 17:17-35. CELD ID 21449.

5. Hanoka, Y. 2007.

Monkeying around with hominid evolution
BH 17:37-47. CELD ID 21450.

6. Hanoka, Y. 2007.

Dating the Earth
BH 17:49-65. CELD ID 21451.

7. Kam-Ron, E. 2007.

The second day of the Omer
BH 17:66. CELD ID 21452.

8. Kam-Ron, E. 2007.

The fourth day of the Omer
BH 17:37. CELD ID 21453.

9. Aviezer, N. 2007.

The Anthropic Principle
BH 17:69-84. CELD ID 21454.

10. Kam-Ron, E. 2007.

The seventeenth day of the Omer
BH 17:85. CELD ID 21455.

11. Tendler, MD. 2007.

Rabbinic silence: Intelligent design?
BH 17:87-94. CELD ID 21456.

12. Kam-Ron, E. 2007.

The nineteenth day of the Omer
BH 17:95. CELD ID 21457.

13. Wahrman, MZ. 2007.

DNA markers that illuminate Israelite/Jewish migration
BH 17:97-112. CELD ID 21458.

14. Kam-Ron, E. 2007.

The twenty-fifth day of the Omer
BH 17:113. CELD ID 21459.

15. Poltorak, A. 2007.

Creatio ex Nihilo, Number Theory, Quantum Vacuum, and the Big Bang
BH 17:115-121. CELD ID 21460.

16. Saks, TV. 2007.

Can machines think?
BH 17:123-130. CELD ID 21461.

17. Tenen, S. 2007.

The one no thing
BH 17:131. CELD ID 21462.

18. Elishakoff, I; Pines, EM. 2007.

Do scripture and mathematics disagree on the Number ϖ
BH 17:133-153. CELD ID 21463.

19. Medved, D. 2007.

The music of the celestial spheres
BH 17:155-169. CELD ID 21464.

20. Stier, OB. 2007.

CLICking on redemption: Reflections on Jews and Judaism in cyberspace
BH 17:171-181. CELD ID 21465.

21. Goldberg, R. 2007.

Letter to G-d
BH 17:181. CELD ID 21466.

22. Agrest, M. 2007.

Five-foot giant of Torah and Science: My father, Matest Agrest (1915-2005)
BH 17:182-185. CELD ID 21467.

23. anonymous. 2007.

Book review: Torah and Science: Their Interplay in the World Scheme by Yehudah Levi
BH 17:186-187. CELD ID 21468.

24. anonymous. 2007.

Book review: The Science in Torah by Yehudah Levi
BH 17:187-188. CELD ID 21469.

25. anonymous. 2007.

Book review: Creation ex Nihilo by Benjamin Fain
BH 17:188-189. CELD ID 21470.

26. Zitter, P. 2007.

BH 17:192. CELD ID 21471.

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