1. anonymous. 2005. The Miami International Conference on Torah and Science: Absolute Standards in an Age of RelativityBH 15:3. CELD ID 21517.
The Miami International Conference on Torah and Science: Absolute Standards in an Age of Relativity
2. Zeiger, E. 2005. Time, space, and consciousnessBH 15:7-19. CELD ID 21518.
Time, space, and consciousness
3. Dickstein, W. 2005. Waiting for the TsaddikBH 15:19. CELD ID 21519.
Waiting for the Tsaddik
4. Carmeli, M. 2005. The first six days of the universeBH 15:21-24. CELD ID 21520.
The first six days of the universe
5. Dubnov, E. 2005. Sky's and Earth's edgeBH 15:24. CELD ID 21521.
Sky's and Earth's edge
6. Dubnov, E. 2005. A river, a pulsing streamBH 15:25. CELD ID 21522.
A river, a pulsing stream
7. Hanoka, Y. 2005. Radioactive rock dating and the age of the earthBH 15:27-33. CELD ID 21523.
Radioactive rock dating and the age of the earth
8. Saks, TV. 2005. The unity of timeBH 15:35-40. CELD ID 21524.
The unity of time
9. Zisken, FK. 2005. VatikinBH 15:41. CELD ID 21525.
10. Freeman, T. 2005. Does time begin?BH 15:43-55. CELD ID 21526.
Does time begin?
11. Schwarcz, V. 2005. The garden of the soul: Historical memory and personal identityBH 15:57-60. CELD ID 21527.
The garden of the soul: Historical memory and personal identity
12. Schwarcz, V. 2005. Where azure reignedBH 15:61. CELD ID 21528.
Where azure reigned
13. Ferber, R. 2005. The paradoxes of quantum physics, Maimonides, and the "I"BH 15:63-72. CELD ID 21529.
The paradoxes of quantum physics, Maimonides, and the "I"
14. Dubnov, E. 2005. HurledBH 15:73. CELD ID 21530.
15. Kovacs, M. 2005. Who am I? Torah and psychological definitions of selfBH 15:75-83. CELD ID 21531.
Who am I? Torah and psychological definitions of self
16. Haskelevich, B. 2005. The Exodus and Egyptian historiographyBH 15:85-103. CELD ID 21532.
The Exodus and Egyptian historiography
17. Dinkevich, S. 2005. A calculation of the Israelite population at Mount SinaiBH 15:105-112. CELD ID 21533.
A calculation of the Israelite population at Mount Sinai
18. Azriel, Y. 2005. Night in the Sukkah of Joseph and his brothersBH 15:113. CELD ID 21534.
Night in the Sukkah of Joseph and his brothers
19. Dukes, AL. 2005. Entering the Sabbath of historyBH 15:115-135. CELD ID 21535.
Entering the Sabbath of history
20. Pines, EM. 2005. Torah, reality, and the scientific model-removing the blindfold of scientismBH 15:137-159. CELD ID 21536.
Torah, reality, and the scientific model-removing the blindfold of scientism
21. Dor-Shav, Z. 2005. The psychology and religion of tahorah and holinessBH 15:161-173. CELD ID 21537.
The psychology and religion of tahorah and holiness
22. Yavin, Y. 2005. How much water has to flow into the Mikveh? A mathematical solutionBH 15:175-177. CELD ID 21538.
How much water has to flow into the Mikveh? A mathematical solution
23. Guedalia, JSB; Domb Debow, Y. 2005. In desperate pursuit of motherhood: Another perspective on the SotahBH 15:179-186. CELD ID 21539.
In desperate pursuit of motherhood: Another perspective on the Sotah
24. Agrest, M; Agrest, MM. 2005. The tables of the Ten Commandments and laser technologyBH 15:187-191. CELD ID 21540.
The tables of the Ten Commandments and laser technology