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Contents of B'Or Ha'Torah 13

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1. anonymous. 2002.

In blessed memory of Alvin Radkowsky
BH 13:3. CELD ID 21420.

2. anonymous. 2002.

The Miami International Torah and Science Conferences: Absolute Standards in a World of Relativity
BH 13:5. CELD ID 21421.

3. Rabinowitz, A. 2002.

And G-d said "Let there have been a Big Bang"
BH 13:7-17. CELD ID 21422.

4. Poltorak, A. 2002.

On the age of the universe
BH 13:19-37. CELD ID 21423.

5. Ferber, R; Branover, H. 2002.

The observer and the system of reference: A unified view
BH 13:39-54. CELD ID 21424.

6. anonymous. 2002.

BH 13:55-57. CELD ID 21425.

7. Zakis, J. 2002.

Give me a place to stand! To prove that the Earth is the center of the universe
BH 13:59-61. CELD ID 21426.

8. Samuelson, N. 2002.

Creation and the symbiosis of science and Judaism
BH 13:63-68. CELD ID 21427.

9. Fogelman, R. 2002.

BH 13:69. CELD ID 21428.

10. Hendel, RJ. 2002.

Genesis 1 speaks about the creation of prophecy, not the creation of the world
BH 13:71-85. CELD ID 21429.

11. Hanoka, Y. 2002.

Continental drift, asteroid impacts, and the Flood
BH 13:87-. CELD ID 21430.

12. Aviezer, N. 2002.

Richard Dawkins and Darwinian Fundamentalism
BH 13:95-106. CELD ID 21431.

13. Simon, E. 2002.

Book review: Not by Chance: Shattering the Modern Theory of Evolution by Dr. Lee Spetner
BH 13:108-111. CELD ID 21432.

14. Saks, TV. 2002.

Different levels of infinity in Torah and Mathematics
BH 13:113-120. CELD ID 21433.

15. Silman, S. 2002.

A system of logic for messianic phenomena
BH 13:123-137. CELD ID 21434.

16. Zukin, Y. 2002.

Artificial, Human, and Infinite Intelligence
BH 13:139-147. CELD ID 21435.

17. Belenkiy, A. 2002.

Mathematical Drash
BH 13:149-160. CELD ID 21436.

18. Kook, AI. 2002.

The soul always prays
BH 13:161. CELD ID 21437.

19. Kovacs, M. 2002.

Finding G-d in the study of the sociology of religion
BH 13:163-170. CELD ID 21438.

20. Zimmerman, DR. 2002.

Lactational amenorrhea and mesulleket damim-a medical halakhic analysis
BH 13:173-181. CELD ID 21439.

21. Hoffman, S; Hacarmi, Y. 2002.

Rabbinic insights into behavior change
BH 13:183-190. CELD ID 21440.

22. Schwarcz, V. 2002.

Where Hope Coils, Curdles, Claws
BH 13:191. CELD ID 21441.

23. Elishakoff, I. 2002.

Probabilistic analysis of the 'Torah Codes': A false premise?
BH 13:193-201. CELD ID 21442.

24. Yehezkael, R. 2002.

Lending without interest in a Jewish state
BH 13:203-206. CELD ID 21443.

25. Ben Dov, R. 2002.

Book reviews
BH 13:209-217. CELD ID 21444.

26. Katz, YL. 2002.

Prayers of the mothers for the rebuilding of the Temple
BH 13:219-222. CELD ID 21445.

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