1. Mason, D. 2014. Summer Vacations the Russ Mason WayAnswers 9(3):8. CELD ID 25844.
Summer Vacations the Russ Mason Way
2. H, L. 2014. Readers RespondAnswers 9(3):9. CELD ID 25845.
Readers Respond
3. S, J. 2014. Readers Respond: Visiting HeavenAnswers 9(3):9. CELD ID 25846.
Readers Respond: Visiting Heaven
4. E, A. 2014. Readers Respond: Visiting HeavenAnswers 9(3):9. CELD ID 25847.
5. W, M. 2014. Readers Respond: Visiting HeavenAnswers 9(3):9. CELD ID 25848.
6. N, S. 2014. Readers Respond: Visiting HeavenAnswers 9(3):9. CELD ID 25849.
7. H, Y. 2014. Readers Respond: Visiting HeavenAnswers 9(3):9. CELD ID 25850.
8. E, S. 2014. Readers Respond: Visiting HeavenAnswers 9(3):9. CELD ID 25851.
9. Anonymous. 2014. Visiting Heaven: Author's ResponseAnswers 9(3):9. CELD ID 25852.
Visiting Heaven: Author's Response
10. B, B. 2014. Readers Respond: Noah's Lost WorldAnswers 9(3):9. CELD ID 25853.
Readers Respond: Noah's Lost World
11. Anonymous. 2014. Noah's Lost World: Author's ResponseAnswers 9(3):9. CELD ID 25854.
Noah's Lost World: Author's Response
12. S, R. 2014. Readers Respond: Placing the Cross in HistoryAnswers 9(3):9. CELD ID 25855.
Readers Respond: Placing the Cross in History
13. Anonymous. 2014. Placing the Cross in History: Author's ResponseAnswers 9(3):9. CELD ID 25856.
Placing the Cross in History: Author's Response
14. Anonymous. 2014. Readers Respond: ClarificationAnswers 9(3):9. CELD ID 25857.
Readers Respond: Clarification
15. Anonymous . 2014. Astronomical MythsAnswers 9(3):11-12. CELD ID 25858.
Astronomical Myths
16. Anonymous. 2014. The Costly Exercise of ReligionAnswers 9(3):12. CELD ID 25859.
The Costly Exercise of Religion
17. Anonymous. 2014. Primitive ThinkingAnswers 9(3):13. CELD ID 25860.
Primitive Thinking
18. Anonymous. 2014. What Hath the Church Rot?Answers 9(3):13. CELD ID 25861.
What Hath the Church Rot?
19. Anonymous. 2014. Crystal Clear?Answers 9(3):14. CELD ID 25862.
Crystal Clear?
20. Anonymous. 2014. Romeikes RemainAnswers 9(3):15. CELD ID 25863.
Romeikes Remain
21. Anonymous. 2014. If Fish Could Walk...Answers 9(3):15. CELD ID 25864.
If Fish Could Walk...
22. Anonymous. 2014. Inflated ClaimsAnswers 9(3):16. CELD ID 25865.
Inflated Claims
23. Anonymous. 2014. Adam Settles In at Bryan CollegeAnswers 9(3):16. CELD ID 25866.
Adam Settles In at Bryan College
24. Anonymous. 2014. Bringing Creation to the Box OfficeAnswers 9(3):19-20. CELD ID 25867.
Bringing Creation to the Box Office
25. Anonymous. 2014. The Dinosaur GuysAnswers 9(3):21. CELD ID 25868.
The Dinosaur Guys
26. Anonymous. 2014. Science for God's GloryAnswers 9(3):22-23. CELD ID 25869.
Science for God's Glory
27. Francis, J. 2014. Cows of the SeaAnswers 9(3):24-26. CELD ID 25870.
Cows of the Sea
28. Anonymous. 2014. Solid SpongeAnswers 9(3):27. CELD ID 25871.
Solid Sponge
29. Anonymous. 2014. Desert DessertAnswers 9(3):28. CELD ID 25872.
Desert Dessert
30. Mortenson, T. 2014. Death Is Not GoodAnswers 9(3):30-32. CELD ID 25873.
Death Is Not Good
31. Benziger, E. 2014. How Long Was Adam in the Garden?Answers 9(3):33. CELD ID 25874.
How Long Was Adam in the Garden?
32. Dudek, R. 2014. Bladderworts-Fastest Trap in the WestAnswers 9(3):34-35. CELD ID 25875.
Bladderworts-Fastest Trap in the West
33. Purdom, G. 2014. Decoding the DebrisAnswers 9(3):36-39. CELD ID 25876.
Decoding the Debris
34. Ham, K. 2014. Dawkin's DoubtsAnswers 9(3):40-41. CELD ID 25877.
Dawkin's Doubts
35. O'Daniel, D. 2014. Birds' Flawless Flight PlanAnswers 9(3):42-44. CELD ID 25878.
Birds' Flawless Flight Plan
36. Bruce, HB. 2014. Antarctic Icefish-Cozy Below FreezingAnswers 9(3):45. CELD ID 25879.
Antarctic Icefish-Cozy Below Freezing
37. Snelling, AA. 2014. Rapid Opals in the OutbackAnswers 9(3):46-48. CELD ID 25880.
Rapid Opals in the Outback
38. UpChurch, J. 2014. Stereoscopic Vision-Seeing DoubleAnswers 9(3):52-53. CELD ID 25881.
Stereoscopic Vision-Seeing Double
39. Snelling, AA. 2014. Mysterious Natural Wonders: What Park Rangers Won't Tell YouAnswers 9(3):54. CELD ID 25882.
Mysterious Natural Wonders: What Park Rangers Won't Tell You
40. Snelling, AA. 2014. What Park Rangers Won't Tell You: Arches of UtahAnswers 9(3):56-57. CELD ID 25883.
What Park Rangers Won't Tell You: Arches of Utah
41. Snelling, AA. 2014. What Park Rangers Won't Tell You: The Devils MarblesAnswers 9(3):58-59. CELD ID 25884.
What Park Rangers Won't Tell You: The Devils Marbles
42. Snelling, AA. 2014. What Park Rangers Won't Tell You: Giant's CausewayAnswers 9(3):60-61. CELD ID 25885.
What Park Rangers Won't Tell You: Giant's Causeway
43. Snelling, AA. 2014. What Park Rangers Won't Tell You: Hoodoos of Bryce CanyonAnswers 9(3):62-63. CELD ID 25886.
What Park Rangers Won't Tell You: Hoodoos of Bryce Canyon
44. Snelling, AA. 2014. What Park Rangers Won't Tell You: Cotton CastleAnswers 9(3):64-65. CELD ID 25887.
What Park Rangers Won't Tell You: Cotton Castle
45. Coppenger, M. 2014. Finding Our Way in a Secular AmericaAnswers 9(3):68-73. CELD ID 25888.
Finding Our Way in a Secular America
46. Hennigan, T. 2014. Suite DogsAnswers 9(3):74-79. CELD ID 25889.
Suite Dogs
47. Smith Jr, HB. 2014. Archaeology's Lost ConquestAnswers 9(3):80-84. CELD ID 25890.
Archaeology's Lost Conquest
48. Purdom, G. 2014. Where Did Cain Get His Wife?Answers 9(3):87-89. CELD ID 25891.
Where Did Cain Get His Wife?
49. Anderson Jr, L . 2014. Every Word CountsAnswers 9(3):91-92. CELD ID 25892.
Every Word Counts
50. Newcomer, J. 2014. Where Parenting BeginsAnswers 9(3):93. CELD ID 25893.
Where Parenting Begins
51. Beauman, B. 2014. Should We Legislate Morality?Answers 9(3):94. CELD ID 25894.
Should We Legislate Morality?
52. Anonymous. 2014. Flood Legends from Around the WorldAnswers 9(3):96. CELD ID 25895.
Flood Legends from Around the World
53. Matthews, M. 2014. Finding Our WayAnswers 9(3):98. CELD ID 25896.
Finding Our Way