1. Mason, DT. 2012. The Genius of Ancient ManAnswers 7(4):6. CELD ID 25557.
The Genius of Ancient Man
2. C, D. 2012. Readers Respond: ShoelessAnswers 7(4):7. CELD ID 25558.
Readers Respond: Shoeless
3. Anonymous. 2012. Editor's ResponseAnswers 7(4):7. CELD ID 25559.
Editor's Response
4. M, B. 2012. Readers Respond: Troubled by TormentAnswers 7(4):7. CELD ID 25560.
Readers Respond: Troubled by Torment
5. M, C. 2012. Readers Respond: Good ReminderAnswers 7(4):7. CELD ID 25561.
Readers Respond: Good Reminder
6. Haviland, JH. 2012. Readers Respond: Psychology & MedicationAnswers 7(4):7. CELD ID 25562.
Readers Respond: Psychology & Medication
7. Anonymous. 2012. Author's ResponseAnswers 7(4):7. CELD ID 25563.
Author's Response
8. Lancaster, FJ. 2012. Readers Respond: Teachers' ResponsibilityAnswers 7(4):7. CELD ID 25564.
Readers Respond: Teachers' Responsibility
9. Anonymous. 2012. Author's ResponseAnswers 7(4):7. CELD ID 25565.
10. Anonymous. 2012. Corrections & ClarificationsAnswers 7(4):7. CELD ID 25566.
Corrections & Clarifications
11. Anonymous. 2012. More Than HumanAnswers 7(4):9-10. CELD ID 25567.
More Than Human
12. Anonymous. 2012. Bacterial BodyguardAnswers 7(4):10. CELD ID 25568.
Bacterial Bodyguard
13. Anonymous. 2012. Mission MindedAnswers 7(4):10. CELD ID 25569.
Mission Minded
14. Anonymous. 2012. Evo ToursAnswers 7(4):11. CELD ID 25570.
Evo Tours
15. Anonymous. 2012. Course Correction in KoreaAnswers 7(4):11. CELD ID 25571.
Course Correction in Korea
16. Anonymous. 2012. A Victory for Balance in TennesseeAnswers 7(4):12. CELD ID 25572.
A Victory for Balance in Tennessee
17. Anonymous. 2012. A Massive DiscoveryAnswers 7(4):13. CELD ID 25573.
A Massive Discovery
18. Anonymous. 2012. Golden Rule for MarriageAnswers 7(4):14. CELD ID 25574.
Golden Rule for Marriage
19. Anonymous. 2012. A Fight for parents' Rights?Answers 7(4):14-15. CELD ID 25575.
A Fight for parents' Rights?
20. Anonymous. 2012. Headway to Protect the UnbornAnswers 7(4):15. CELD ID 25576.
Headway to Protect the Unborn
21. Anonymous. 2012. Ministry MenagerieAnswers 7(4):17-18. CELD ID 25577.
Ministry Menagerie
22. Anonymous. 2012. Too Serious to IgnoreAnswers 7(4):18. CELD ID 25578.
Too Serious to Ignore
23. Anonymous. 2012. Olympic TreasureAnswers 7(4):19. CELD ID 25579.
Olympic Treasure
24. Anonymous. 2012. Speaking to a Hostile AudienceAnswers 7(4):19. CELD ID 25580.
Speaking to a Hostile Audience
25. Bruce, HB. 2012. Meerkat Clans -- The Original Social NetworkAnswers 7(4):22-25. CELD ID 25581.
Meerkat Clans -- The Original Social Network
26. Wise, K. 2012. Trilobite Eyes -- Ultimate OpticsAnswers 7(4):26-27. CELD ID 25582.
Trilobite Eyes -- Ultimate Optics
27. Ham, K. 2012. What was God Doing Before Creation?Answers 7(4):28-31. CELD ID 25583.
What was God Doing Before Creation?
28. Wilson, G. 2012. High=Flying Eggs!Answers 7(4):32-34. CELD ID 25584.
High=Flying Eggs!
29. Purdom, G. 2012. What's Really Hiding in Those Deserted Caves?Answers 7(4):35. CELD ID 25585.
What's Really Hiding in Those Deserted Caves?
30. Wending, R. 2012. Hissing Cockroaches--The Perfect Family PetAnswers 7(4):36-37. CELD ID 25586.
Hissing Cockroaches--The Perfect Family Pet
31. DeYoung, D. 2012. Peregrine Falcon--Nature's Top GunAnswers 7(4):38-39. CELD ID 25587.
Peregrine Falcon--Nature's Top Gun
32. Lyon, JD. 2012. Dead Sea Scrolls--Timeless Treasures from QumranAnswers 7(4):40-42. CELD ID 25588.
Dead Sea Scrolls--Timeless Treasures from Qumran
33. Anonymous. 2012. 10 Best Evidences From Science that Confirm a Young EarthAnswers 7(4):44-46. CELD ID 25589.
10 Best Evidences From Science that Confirm a Young Earth
34. Snelling, AA. 2012. Very Little Sediment on the SeafloorAnswers 7(4):47-48. CELD ID 25590.
Very Little Sediment on the Seafloor
35. Snelling, AA. 2012. Bent Rock LayersAnswers 7(4):48-50. CELD ID 25591.
Bent Rock Layers
36. Menton, D. 2012. Soft Tissue in FossilsAnswers 7(4):50-51. CELD ID 25592.
Soft Tissue in Fossils
37. Faulkner, D. 2012. Faint Sun ParadoxAnswers 7(4):51. CELD ID 25593.
Faint Sun Paradox
38. Snelling, AA. 2012. Rapidly Decaying Magnetic FieldAnswers 7(4):52-53. CELD ID 25594.
Rapidly Decaying Magnetic Field
39. Snelling, AA. 2012. Helium in Radioactive RocksAnswers 7(4):53-54. CELD ID 25595.
Helium in Radioactive Rocks
40. Snelling, AA. 2012. Carbon-14 in Fossil, Coal, and DiamondsAnswers 7(4):54-55. CELD ID 25596.
Carbon-14 in Fossil, Coal, and Diamonds
41. Faulkner, D. 2012. Short-Lived CometsAnswers 7(4):55-56. CELD ID 25597.
Short-Lived Comets
42. Snelling, AA. 2012. Very Little Salt in the SeaAnswers 7(4):56-57. CELD ID 25598.
Very Little Salt in the Sea
43. Purdom, G. 2012. DNA in "Ancient" BacteriaAnswers 7(4):57. CELD ID 25599.
DNA in "Ancient" Bacteria
44. Anonymous. 2012. The Value and Limits of Scientific EvidenceAnswers 7(4):58. CELD ID 25600.
The Value and Limits of Scientific Evidence
45. McDorman, P; McDorman, S. 2012. Drop Dead GorgeousAnswers 7(4):60-63. CELD ID 25601.
Drop Dead Gorgeous
46. Perkins, T. 2012. Is Voting Enough?Answers 7(4):64-68. CELD ID 25602.
Is Voting Enough?
47. Snelling, AA. 2012. Solving the Mystery of the Missing BulletsAnswers 7(4):70-73. CELD ID 25603.
Solving the Mystery of the Missing Bullets
48. Hodge, B. 2012. Were the Pyramids Built before the FloodAnswers 7(4):77. CELD ID 25604.
Were the Pyramids Built before the Flood
49. Rumminger, D. 2012. Getting the Formula RightAnswers 7(4):79. CELD ID 25605.
Getting the Formula Right
50. Baker, E. 2012. Who Cares for Larry?Answers 7(4):80-81. CELD ID 25606.
Who Cares for Larry?
51. Matthew, M. 2012. Thinking About ForeverAnswers 7(4):82. CELD ID 25607.
Thinking About Forever