1. Mason, D. 2012. Publisher's Pen: Not Quite DeadAnswers 7(3):6. CELD ID 24482.
Publisher's Pen: Not Quite Dead
2. C,C. 2012. Readers RespondAnswers 7(3):7. CELD ID 24483.
Readers Respond
3. W, J. 2012. Readers Respond: Scorning Scholarship?Answers 7(3):7. CELD ID 24484.
Readers Respond: Scorning Scholarship?
4. F, E. 2012. Readers Respond: Plainly StatedAnswers 7(3):7. CELD ID 24485.
Readers Respond: Plainly Stated
5. E, C. 2012. Readers Respond: Standing on a Solid FoundationAnswers 7(3):7. CELD ID 24486.
Readers Respond: Standing on a Solid Foundation
6. S, J. 2012. Readers Respond: Cavemen-Post-Babel or Pre-Flood?Answers 7(3):7. CELD ID 24487.
Readers Respond: Cavemen-Post-Babel or Pre-Flood?
7. O, R. 2012. Readers Respond: A Novel Hiccup RemedyAnswers 7(3):7. CELD ID 24488.
Readers Respond: A Novel Hiccup Remedy
8. anonymous. 2012. After-Birth AbortionAnswers 7(3):9-10. CELD ID 24489.
After-Birth Abortion
9. anonymous. 2012. The Return of King DavidAnswers 7(3):10. CELD ID 24490.
The Return of King David
10. anonymous. 2012. Einstein Wins AgainAnswers 7(3):10. CELD ID 24491.
Einstein Wins Again
11. anonymous. 2012. VertebratesimalsAnswers 7(3):11. CELD ID 24492.
12. anonymous. 2012. Land Ho!Answers 7(3):11. CELD ID 24493.
Land Ho!
13. anonymous. 2012. A Shark TaleAnswers 7(3):12. CELD ID 24494.
A Shark Tale
14. anonymous. 2012. Lucy ExposedAnswers 7(3):12. CELD ID 24495.
Lucy Exposed
15. anonymous. 2012. Hoosier Hopes DashedAnswers 7(3):13. CELD ID 24496.
Hoosier Hopes Dashed
16. anonymous. 2012. Academic Freedom Not OK In the UKAnswers 7(3):13. CELD ID 24497.
Academic Freedom Not OK In the UK
17. anonymous. 2012. Deploying the Creation MessageAnswers 7(3):15-16. CELD ID 24498.
Deploying the Creation Message
18. anonymous. 2012. Breaking up Russia's Frozen SoilAnswers 7(3):16. CELD ID 24499.
Breaking up Russia's Frozen Soil
19. anonymous. 2012. Start a Creation ClubAnswers 7(3):17. CELD ID 24500.
Start a Creation Club
20. anonymous. 2012. The Rise of Apologetics FictionAnswers 7(3):18. CELD ID 24501.
The Rise of Apologetics Fiction
21. anonymous. 2012. Tips for Serving a Spiritual "Feast" for WomenAnswers 7(3):19. CELD ID 24502.
Tips for Serving a Spiritual "Feast" for Women
22. anonymous. 2012. Resource Preview: Value of Human Life DVDs-Created in His ImageAnswers 7(3):20. CELD ID 24503.
Resource Preview: Value of Human Life DVDs-Created in His Image
23. Christian, M. 2012. Nudibranchs-Undersea Slug FestAnswers 7(3):22-25. CELD ID 24504.
Nudibranchs-Undersea Slug Fest
24. Ham, K. 2012. Evolution or Millions of Years-Which is the Greater Threat?Answers 7(3):26-29. CELD ID 24505.
Evolution or Millions of Years-Which is the Greater Threat?
25. Looy, M. 2012. The Forgotten Kingdoms of JordanAnswers 7(3):30-32. CELD ID 24506.
The Forgotten Kingdoms of Jordan
26. Bruce, HB. 2012. Which Came First-The Chicken or the Egg?Answers 7(3):33. CELD ID 24507.
Which Came First-The Chicken or the Egg?
27. Mitchell, T. 2012. Questions from the RoadAnswers 7(3):34-36. CELD ID 24508.
Questions from the Road
28. Faulkner, D. 2012. Latest Lunar Hypothesis on the RocksAnswers 7(3):38-39. CELD ID 24509.
Latest Lunar Hypothesis on the Rocks
29. Wooster, D; McKnight, C. 2012. At the Edge of TechnologyAnswers 7(3):40-42. CELD ID 24510.
At the Edge of Technology
30. Wendling, R. 2012. Those Swell SeedsAnswers 7(3):44-45. CELD ID 24511.
Those Swell Seeds
31. Mortenson, T. 2012. Old-Earth Creationism-Is it a Sin to Be Wrong?Answers 7(3):46-47. CELD ID 24512.
Old-Earth Creationism-Is it a Sin to Be Wrong?
32. Bruce, HB. 2012. Dying to Live another DayAnswers 7(3):50-55. CELD ID 24513.
Dying to Live another Day
33. Challies, T. 2012. What Kind of God would Condemn People to Eternal Torment?Answers 7(3):56-59. CELD ID 24514.
What Kind of God would Condemn People to Eternal Torment?
34. Hennigan, T. 2012. Seeing the Forest Amid the TreesAnswers 7(3):60-65. CELD ID 24515.
Seeing the Forest Amid the Trees
35. Howell, D; Ross, M. 2012. The Barefoot ProfessorAnswers 7(3):66-69. CELD ID 24516.
The Barefoot Professor
36. Snelling, AA. 2012. Radiohalos Part Two: The Mysterious Vanishing BulletsAnswers 7(3):70-74. CELD ID 24517.
Radiohalos Part Two: The Mysterious Vanishing Bullets
37. anonymous. 2012. ARJ HighlightsAnswers 7(3):75. CELD ID 24518.
ARJ Highlights
38. Mellott, A. 2012. Parenting Through PainAnswers 7(3):78. CELD ID 24519.
Parenting Through Pain
39. Menton, D. 2012. If Evolution Takes Faith, Why am I the One with Doubts?Answers 7(3):79. CELD ID 24520.
If Evolution Takes Faith, Why am I the One with Doubts?
40. Matthews, M. 2012. Losing God in the ForestAnswers 7(3):82. CELD ID 24521.
Losing God in the Forest
41. Baker, E. 2012. Psychology Without SinAnswers 7(3):80-81. CELD ID 24522.
Psychology Without Sin