1. Mason, DT. 2012. Publisher's Pen: Caveman ConfusionAnswers 7(2):6. CELD ID 24437.
Publisher's Pen: Caveman Confusion
2. A,E. 2012. Reader's RespondAnswers 7(2):7. CELD ID 24438.
Reader's Respond
3. M, D. 2012. Reader's Respond: The Source of Bible's AuthorityAnswers 7(2):7. CELD ID 24439.
Reader's Respond: The Source of Bible's Authority
4. S,D. 2012. Reader's Respond: Violating AIG's PurposeAnswers 7(2):7. CELD ID 24440.
Reader's Respond: Violating AIG's Purpose
5. F, C. 2012. Reader's Respond: Crater eroded by Flood WatersAnswers 7(2):7. CELD ID 24441.
Reader's Respond: Crater eroded by Flood Waters
6. F, C. 2012. Reader's Respond: Validating the Gap TheoryAnswers 7(2):7. CELD ID 24442.
Reader's Respond: Validating the Gap Theory
7. P, K. 2012. Reader's Respond:One or Four?Answers 7(2):7. CELD ID 24443.
Reader's Respond:One or Four?
8. anonymous. 2012. The Permian Extinction-Quick and GlobalAnswers 7(2):9-10. CELD ID 24444.
The Permian Extinction-Quick and Global
9. anonymous. 2012. Censorship Keeps Schools Safe for DarwinAnswers 7(2):10. CELD ID 24445.
Censorship Keeps Schools Safe for Darwin
10. anonymous. 2012. A Hitch in TimeAnswers 7(2):10. CELD ID 24446.
A Hitch in Time
11. anonymous. 2012. Vestigal Structures-Leftover NewsAnswers 7(2):11. CELD ID 24447.
Vestigal Structures-Leftover News
12. anonymous. 2012. Ape or Man? The Sad Case of SedibaAnswers 7(2):11. CELD ID 24448.
Ape or Man? The Sad Case of Sediba
13. anonymous. 2012. This yeast doesn't riseAnswers 7(2):12. CELD ID 24449.
This yeast doesn't rise
14. anonymous. 2012. The Bible and Evolution-Mixed MessagesAnswers 7(2):13. CELD ID 24450.
The Bible and Evolution-Mixed Messages
15. anonymous. 2012. The Earths Keep ComingAnswers 7(2):14. CELD ID 24451.
The Earths Keep Coming
16. anonymous. 2012. The Race to Seven BillionAnswers 7(2):14. CELD ID 24452.
The Race to Seven Billion
17. anonymous. 2012. The Dead Sea, Not So Dead After AllAnswers 7(2):15. CELD ID 24453.
The Dead Sea, Not So Dead After All
18. anonymous. 2012. Tsunami Survivors Flooded with MemoriesAnswers 7(2):15. CELD ID 24454.
Tsunami Survivors Flooded with Memories
19. anonymous. 2012. Transformation in LondonAnswers 7(2):17. CELD ID 24455.
Transformation in London
20. anonymous. 2012. Becoming a Living, Breathing BibleAnswers 7(2):18. CELD ID 24456.
Becoming a Living, Breathing Bible
21. McKeever, S. 2012. Williams Syndrome and the GospelAnswers 7(2):19. CELD ID 24457.
Williams Syndrome and the Gospel
22. anonymous. 2012. From the Mouths of PuppetsAnswers 7(2):20. CELD ID 24458.
From the Mouths of Puppets
23. anonymous. 2012. You Can Master Apologetics from AnywhereAnswers 7(2):20. CELD ID 24459.
You Can Master Apologetics from Anywhere
24. anonymous. 2012. What women want-AnswersAnswers 7(2):20. CELD ID 24460.
What women want-Answers
25. anonymous. 2012. Street Evangelism: Bursting the BubbleAnswers 7(2):21. CELD ID 24461.
Street Evangelism: Bursting the Bubble
26. anonymous. 2012. Resource Preview: Answers Bible Curriculum-For Sunday School and MoreAnswers 7(2):22. CELD ID 24462.
Resource Preview: Answers Bible Curriculum-For Sunday School and More
27. Breeding, D. 2012. Lesser Yellow-Headed Vulture-Disgusting DesignsAnswers 7(2):24-27. CELD ID 24463.
Lesser Yellow-Headed Vulture-Disgusting Designs
28. Ham, K. 2012. The Only Missing Link-It's SpiritualAnswers 7(2):28-30. CELD ID 24464.
The Only Missing Link-It's Spiritual
29. Mortenson, T. 2012. Evangelical PopesAnswers 7(2):31. CELD ID 24465.
Evangelical Popes
30. Davis, B. 2012. The Bloodhound-Natural Born SmellerAnswers 7(2):32-33. CELD ID 24466.
The Bloodhound-Natural Born Smeller
31. DeYoung, D. 2012. Sugar Beets-Farm-Fresh DeicersAnswers 7(2):34-35. CELD ID 24467.
Sugar Beets-Farm-Fresh Deicers
32. Lisle, J. 2012. New Discoveries of Order in the SunAnswers 7(2):36-39. CELD ID 24468.
New Discoveries of Order in the Sun
33. Bruce, HB. 2012. What You See Isn't Always What you GetAnswers 7(2):40-41. CELD ID 24469.
What You See Isn't Always What you Get
34. Bruce, HB. 2012. Why do We Hiccup?Answers 7(2):42. CELD ID 24470.
Why do We Hiccup?
35. Menton, D; UpChurch, J. 2012. Who were CavemenAnswers 7(2):44-49. CELD ID 24471.
Who were Cavemen
36. Snelling, A; Matthews, M. 2012. When Did Cavemen LiveAnswers 7(2):50-55. CELD ID 24472.
When Did Cavemen Live
37. Purdom, G. 2012. How are Cavemen DifferentAnswers 7(2):56-59. CELD ID 24473.
How are Cavemen Different
38. Francis, J. 2012. Beacons of the DeepAnswers 7(2):60-65. CELD ID 24474.
Beacons of the Deep
39. Davis, J. 2012. 24 Hours-Plain as DayAnswers 7(2):66-. CELD ID 24475.
24 Hours-Plain as Day
40. Snelling, AA. 2012. Radiohalos Part One-Mysterious Bullet Holes in RocksAnswers 7(2):70-73. CELD ID 24476.
Radiohalos Part One-Mysterious Bullet Holes in Rocks
41. anonymous. 2012. ARJ HighlightsAnswers 7(2):74. CELD ID 24477.
ARJ Highlights
42. Rainey, D. 2012. Keep your Marriage from Going StaleAnswers 7(2):78. CELD ID 24478.
Keep your Marriage from Going Stale
43. Chaffey, T. 2012. Does it Really Matter if Moses Wrote Genesis?Answers 7(2):79. CELD ID 24479.
Does it Really Matter if Moses Wrote Genesis?
44. Ham, S. 2012. Was the Cross "Plan B"?Answers 7(2):80-81. CELD ID 24480.
Was the Cross "Plan B"?
45. Matthews, M. 2012. More QuestionsAnswers 7(2):82. CELD ID 24481.
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