1. S. 2012. Readers RespondAnswers 7(1):7. CELD ID 24393.
Readers Respond
2. M, L. 2012. Readers Respond: Biologos and Biblical WarningAnswers 7(1):7. CELD ID 24394.
Readers Respond: Biologos and Biblical Warning
3. B, R. 2012. Readers Respond: Biologs and Biblical WarningAnswers 7(1):7. CELD ID 24395.
Readers Respond: Biologs and Biblical Warning
4. D, K. 2012. Readers Respond: Obvious Yet UnseenAnswers 7(1):7. CELD ID 24396.
Readers Respond: Obvious Yet Unseen
5. D, A. 2012. Readers Respond: Answers in PrisonAnswers 7(1):7. CELD ID 24397.
Readers Respond: Answers in Prison
6. F, D. 2012. Readers Respond: Knives for more than just steakAnswers 7(1):. CELD ID 24398.
Readers Respond: Knives for more than just steak
7. M, L. 2012. Readers Respond: "Adaptations" EvolutionaryAnswers 7(1):7. CELD ID 24399.
Readers Respond: "Adaptations" Evolutionary
8. anonymous . 2012. Archaeopteryx Has Flown the CoopAnswers 7(1):9-10. CELD ID 24400.
Archaeopteryx Has Flown the Coop
9. anonymous. 2012. A Fin with a FunctionAnswers 7(1):10. CELD ID 24401.
A Fin with a Function
10. anonymous. 2012. Burned by Global WarmingAnswers 7(1):10. CELD ID 24402.
Burned by Global Warming
11. anonymous. 2012. A Christian Terrorist?Answers 7(1):. CELD ID 24403.
A Christian Terrorist?
12. anonymous. 2012. Hawking AtheismAnswers 7(1):12. CELD ID 24404.
Hawking Atheism
13. anonymous. 2012. Riotous LivingAnswers 7(1):12. CELD ID 24405.
Riotous Living
14. anonymous. 2012. A fit argument?Answers 7(1):13. CELD ID 24406.
A fit argument?
15. anonymous. 2012. A Humdinger of a ChallengeAnswers 7(1):13. CELD ID 24407.
A Humdinger of a Challenge
16. anonymous. 2012. The Drive to Keep "Boating"Answers 7(1):15-16. CELD ID 24408.
The Drive to Keep "Boating"
17. anonymous. 2012. Semper Fi-Teaching TeachersAnswers 7(1):16. CELD ID 24409.
Semper Fi-Teaching Teachers
18. anonymous. 2012. An Online Island of TruthAnswers 7(1):16. CELD ID 24410.
An Online Island of Truth
19. anonymous. 2012. Witnessing Your WorldviewAnswers 7(1):17. CELD ID 24411.
Witnessing Your Worldview
20. anonymous. 2012. Time Traveling for Biblical TruthAnswers 7(1):18. CELD ID 24412.
Time Traveling for Biblical Truth
21. anonymous. 2012. Reaching TruthAnswers 7(1):18. CELD ID 24413.
Reaching Truth
22. anonymous. 2012. Resource PreviewAnswers 7(1):20. CELD ID 24414.
Resource Preview
23. Lightner, JK. 2012. White-tailed Deer- All-American AthletesAnswers 7(1):22-25. CELD ID 24415.
White-tailed Deer- All-American Athletes
24. Bruce, HB. 2012. Four for One, One for AllAnswers 7(1):26-29. CELD ID 24416.
Four for One, One for All
25. Bruce, HB. 2012. Air Mass- A Weighty TopicAnswers 7(1):30-31. CELD ID 24417.
Air Mass- A Weighty Topic
26. Purdom, G. 2012. My Bionic EarAnswers 7(1):32. CELD ID 24418.
My Bionic Ear
27. Taglapietra, R. 2012. Taking God out of the EquationAnswers 7(1):34-36. CELD ID 24419.
Taking God out of the Equation
28. Morgan, G. 2012. Flood Currents Frozen in StoneAnswers 7(1):37-39. CELD ID 24420.
Flood Currents Frozen in Stone
29. Ham, K. 2012. New Ideas (that just don't work): From one Flesh-or two?Answers 7(1):40-43. CELD ID 24421.
New Ideas (that just don't work): From one Flesh-or two?
30. Mortenson, T. 2012. Read Time of "God's Time"?Answers 7(1):44-45. CELD ID 24422.
Read Time of "God's Time"?
31. Burgess, S. 2012. Bug BotsAnswers 7(1):49-50. CELD ID 24423.
Bug Bots
32. anonymous. 2012. God invented it FirstAnswers 7(1):46-48. CELD ID 24424.
God invented it First
33. Upchurch, J. 2012. Power PlantsAnswers 7(1):50-53. CELD ID 24425.
Power Plants
34. Purdom, G. 2012. Magnificent MotorsAnswers 7(1):52-54. CELD ID 24426.
Magnificent Motors
35. Mitchell, T. 2012. Self-Healing ConcreteAnswers 7(1):55-56. CELD ID 24427.
Self-Healing Concrete
36. DeYoung, D. 2012. A Sticky SolutionAnswers 7(1):56-57. CELD ID 24428.
A Sticky Solution
37. Christian, M. 2012. Butterflies on the BattlefieldAnswers 7(1):59-60. CELD ID 24429.
Butterflies on the Battlefield
38. Chaffey, T. 2012. Battle over the NephilimAnswers 7(1):62-66. CELD ID 24430.
Battle over the Nephilim
39. Snelling, AA. 2012. Did Meteors Trigger Noah's Flood?Answers 7(1):68-71. CELD ID 24431.
Did Meteors Trigger Noah's Flood?
40. Faulkner, D. 2012. Ghost Craters-Evidence of a Young MoonAnswers 7(1):72-75. CELD ID 24432.
Ghost Craters-Evidence of a Young Moon
41. Cherney, G. 2012. Gardening My Children's HeartsAnswers 7(1):78. CELD ID 24433.
Gardening My Children's Hearts
42. Ham, K. 2012. Doesn't Science Disprove the Bible?Answers 7(1):79. CELD ID 24434.
Doesn't Science Disprove the Bible?
43. Landis, D. 2012. Hammurabi or Moses-Who's the Authority?Answers 7(1):80-81. CELD ID 24435.
Hammurabi or Moses-Who's the Authority?
44. Matthews, M. 2012. Creative DestructionAnswers 7(1):82. CELD ID 24436.
Creative Destruction