1. Mason, D. 2010. Mystery RockAnswers 5(1):6. CELD ID 22922.
Mystery Rock
2. H, L. 2010. Teens are listeningAnswers 5(1):7. CELD ID 22923.
Teens are listening
3. D, P. 2010. Strong attractionAnswers 5(1):7. CELD ID 22924.
Strong attraction
4. N, K. 2010. "What would Jesus Eat?" Three different responsesAnswers 5(1):7. CELD ID 22925.
"What would Jesus Eat?" Three different responses
5. M, R. 2010. In six literal days really so importantAnswers 5(1):7. CELD ID 22926.
In six literal days really so important
6. anonymous. 2010. Signs of the TimesAnswers 5(1):9. CELD ID 22927.
Signs of the Times
7. anonymous. 2010. Monster's InkAnswers 5(1):10. CELD ID 22928.
Monster's Ink
8. anonymous. 2010. Getting closer to down underAnswers 5(1):10. CELD ID 22929.
Getting closer to down under
9. anonymous. 2010. New clues from man's best friendAnswers 5(1):10. CELD ID 22930.
New clues from man's best friend
10. anonymous. 2010. A flash for geologistsAnswers 5(1):11. CELD ID 22931.
A flash for geologists
11. anonymous. 2010. Symbol of a lost lifeAnswers 5(1):11. CELD ID 22932.
Symbol of a lost life
12. anonymous. 2010. Meet "Ardi"Answers 5(1):12. CELD ID 22933.
Meet "Ardi"
13. anonymous. 2010. Losing any remaining vestigeAnswers 5(1):12. CELD ID 22934.
Losing any remaining vestige
14. anonymous. 2010. Lord of the RingmastersAnswers 5(1):13. CELD ID 22935.
Lord of the Ringmasters
15. anonymous. 2010. Building blocks for truthAnswers 5(1):15. CELD ID 22936.
Building blocks for truth
16. anonymous. 2010. "Alternative Universe" wins the goldAnswers 5(1):16. CELD ID 22937.
"Alternative Universe" wins the gold
17. anonymous. 2010. Creation in the lions' denAnswers 5(1):16. CELD ID 22938.
Creation in the lions' den
18. anonymous. 2010. A trickle-down approachAnswers 5(1):17. CELD ID 22939.
A trickle-down approach
19. anonymous. 2010. Reality check-7 wrong assumptions we can easily make about our audienceAnswers 5(1):17. CELD ID 22940.
Reality check-7 wrong assumptions we can easily make about our audience
20. anonymous. 2010. Creation evangelists in the most unlikely of placesAnswers 5(1):18. CELD ID 22941.
Creation evangelists in the most unlikely of places
21. anonymous. 2010. Believe it or not: Design in the SmokiesAnswers 5(1):18. CELD ID 22942.
Believe it or not: Design in the Smokies
22. anonymous. 2010. Solve the mystery of lifeAnswers 5(1):20. CELD ID 22943.
Solve the mystery of life
23. Ross, M. 2010. Sea MonstersAnswers 5(1):22-24. CELD ID 22944.
Sea Monsters
24. Ross, M. 2010. Dinosaurs-Living LargeAnswers 5(1):26-29. CELD ID 22945.
Dinosaurs-Living Large
25. DeYoung, D. 2010. Space-age leavesAnswers 5(1):30-31. CELD ID 22946.
Space-age leaves
26. Dudek, R. 2010. Pint-size predatorsAnswers 5(1):32-33. CELD ID 22947.
Pint-size predators
27. Matthews, M. 2010. Stumbling stones or stepping stonesAnswers 5(1):34-37. CELD ID 22948.
Stumbling stones or stepping stones
28. anonymous. 2010. Employing the Biblical worldviewAnswers 5(1):37-38. CELD ID 22949.
Employing the Biblical worldview
29. Galling, AP; Ross, M; Wise, K. 2010. Fossil mysteries...that evolution can't explainAnswers 5(1):39-40. CELD ID 22950.
Fossil mysteries...that evolution can't explain
30. Wise, K. 2010. Fossil mysteries: One: Life's unexpected explosionAnswers 5(1):40-42. CELD ID 22951.
Fossil mysteries: One: Life's unexpected explosion
31. Ross, M. 2010. Fossil Mysteries: Two: Those not-so-dry bonesAnswers 5(1):43-45. CELD ID 22952.
Fossil Mysteries: Two: Those not-so-dry bones
32. Galling, AP. 2010. Fossil Mysteries: Three: Without a Leg to Stand OnAnswers 5(1):44-45. CELD ID 22953.
Fossil Mysteries: Three: Without a Leg to Stand On
33. Wise, K. 2010. Fossil Mysteries: Four: Amazingly preserved leavesAnswers 5(1):46-47. CELD ID 22954.
Fossil Mysteries: Four: Amazingly preserved leaves
34. Wise, K. 2010. Fossil Mysteries: Five: Tracks but no trilobitesAnswers 5(1):48. CELD ID 22955.
Fossil Mysteries: Five: Tracks but no trilobites
35. Mohler, RA. 2010. More than a revolution: Homosexuality in Biblical perspectiveAnswers 5(1):50-54. CELD ID 22956.
More than a revolution: Homosexuality in Biblical perspective
36. anonymous. 2010. Can't we just be friends?Answers 5(1):53. CELD ID 22957.
Can't we just be friends?
37. Upchurch, J. 2010. Mapping out the truthAnswers 5(1):56-59. CELD ID 22958.
Mapping out the truth
38. Ham, K. 2010. Maturing the messageAnswers 5(1):60-63. CELD ID 22959.
Maturing the message
39. Snelling, AA. 2010. Order in the fossil recordAnswers 5(1):64-68. CELD ID 22960.
Order in the fossil record
40. Wise, K. 2010. Completeness of the fossil recordAnswers 5(1):69-70. CELD ID 22961.
Completeness of the fossil record
41. Snelling, AA. 2010. Radiometric dating: making sense of the patternsAnswers 5(1):72-75. CELD ID 22962.
Radiometric dating: making sense of the patterns
42. anonymous. 2010. Knee high and hands-onAnswers 5(1):76. CELD ID 22963.
Knee high and hands-on
43. Friel, T. 2010. Talking on a watermelonAnswers 5(1):78. CELD ID 22964.
Talking on a watermelon
44. Tripp, T. 2010. Engaging our childrenAnswers 5(1):79. CELD ID 22965.
Engaging our children
45. Landis, D. 2010. The Bible: not just a container of truthAnswers 5(1):80-81. CELD ID 22966.
The Bible: not just a container of truth
46. Matthews, M. 2010. The humility factorAnswers 5(1):82. CELD ID 22967.
The humility factor