1. Mason, D. 2009. Vitamins for the mindAnswers 4(4):6. CELD ID 22878.
Vitamins for the mind
2. L, N. 2009. Facebook chimes inAnswers 4(4):8. CELD ID 22879.
Facebook chimes in
3. J, K. 2009. Rain on Cain?Answers 4(4):8. CELD ID 22880.
Rain on Cain?
4. anonymous. 2009. Adam's headship before the fallAnswers 4(4):8. CELD ID 22881.
Adam's headship before the fall
5. S, D. 2009. Artist's appreciation for thornsAnswers 4(4):8. CELD ID 22882.
Artist's appreciation for thorns
6. K, L. 2009. A memorable vacationAnswers 4(4):8. CELD ID 22883.
A memorable vacation
7. anonymous. 2009. Much ado about IdaAnswers 4(4):10. CELD ID 22884.
Much ado about Ida
8. anonymous. 2009. At a snail's paceAnswers 4(4):10. CELD ID 22885.
At a snail's pace
9. anonymous. 2009. Reef belief is challengedAnswers 4(4):10. CELD ID 22886.
Reef belief is challenged
10. W, TC. 2009. Genome in a scrambleAnswers 4(4):10-11. CELD ID 22887.
Genome in a scramble
11. anonymous. 2009. Will this idea survive?Answers 4(4):11. CELD ID 22888.
Will this idea survive?
12. anonymous. 2009. Flu AwayAnswers 4(4):11. CELD ID 22889.
Flu Away
13. W, TC. 2009. Is everyone a creationist?Answers 4(4):12. CELD ID 22890.
Is everyone a creationist?
14. anonymous. 2009. Made in ChinaAnswers 4(4):12. CELD ID 22891.
Made in China
15. anonymous. 2009. A creationist uncovers the truthAnswers 4(4):12-13. CELD ID 22892.
A creationist uncovers the truth
16. anonymous. 2009. Fallible researchAnswers 4(4):13. CELD ID 22893.
Fallible research
17. anonymous. 2009. Darwin comes to HollywoodAnswers 4(4):13. CELD ID 22894.
Darwin comes to Hollywood
18. anonymous. 2009. Teaching modesty in an immodest worldAnswers 4(4):14. CELD ID 22895.
Teaching modesty in an immodest world
19. anonymous. 2009. Seeing God undergroundAnswers 4(4):15. CELD ID 22896.
Seeing God underground
20. anonymous. 2009. Bringing the beginning to Bible clubsAnswers 4(4):14-15. CELD ID 22897.
Bringing the beginning to Bible clubs
21. anonymous. 2009. Cyber-evangelistsAnswers 4(4):16-17. CELD ID 22898.
22. anonymous. 2009. Creation on the jobAnswers 4(4):16. CELD ID 22899.
Creation on the job
23. anonymous. 2009. How to talk to an atheistAnswers 4(4):16-17. CELD ID 22900.
How to talk to an atheist
24. anonymous. 2009. Proclaiming the creator in the land of many godsAnswers 4(4):17. CELD ID 22901.
Proclaiming the creator in the land of many gods
25. anonymous. 2009. Concise answers in videoAnswers 4(4):18. CELD ID 22902.
Concise answers in video
26. Breeding, D. 2009. Night stalkerAnswers 4(4):20-22. CELD ID 22903.
Night stalker
27. Ham, K. 2009. Going, Going...GoneAnswers 4(4):24-27. CELD ID 22904.
Going, Going...Gone
28. Matthews, M; Mohler, RA. 2009. Does church need change?Answers 4(4):28-31. CELD ID 22905.
Does church need change?
29. Stetzer, E; Hayes, J. 2009. Reaching Twenty-somethingsAnswers 4(4):32-35. CELD ID 22906.
Reaching Twenty-somethings
30. Brinson, HM. 2009. The human body-wired for extremesAnswers 4(4):36-41. CELD ID 22907.
The human body-wired for extremes
31. Galling, AP. 2009. The search for alien lifeAnswers 4(4):42. CELD ID 22908.
The search for alien life
32. Menton, DN. 2009. Skin: our living armorAnswers 4(4):44-49. CELD ID 22909.
Skin: our living armor
33. Brinson, HM. 2009. Heart: constantly beating deathAnswers 4(4):50-53. CELD ID 22910.
Heart: constantly beating death
34. DeWitt, DA. 2009. Brain: shaped by experiencesAnswers 4(4):54-57. CELD ID 22911.
Brain: shaped by experiences
35. DeYoung, D. 2009. One leg up on architectsAnswers 4(4):58-59. CELD ID 22912.
One leg up on architects
36. Mitchell, T. 2009. What would Jesus eat?Answers 4(4):60-61. CELD ID 22913.
What would Jesus eat?
37. Aucoin, B. 2009. Handling stressAnswers 4(4):62-63. CELD ID 22914.
Handling stress
38. Menton, DN. 2009. Bones-God's living girdersAnswers 4(4):64-68. CELD ID 22915.
Bones-God's living girders
39. Snelling, AA. 2009. Radiometric Dating: Problems with the assumptionsAnswers 4(4):70-73. CELD ID 22916.
Radiometric Dating: Problems with the assumptions
40. anonymous. 2009. Making science funAnswers 4(4):74. CELD ID 22917.
Making science fun
41. Stonestreet, J. 2009. Why am I anyway?Answers 4(4):76. CELD ID 22918.
Why am I anyway?
42. Perkins, T. 2009. Saving the world begins at homeAnswers 4(4):78. CELD ID 22919.
Saving the world begins at home
43. Hayden, D. 2009. Who's number one in the universe?Answers 4(4):80-81. CELD ID 22920.
Who's number one in the universe?
44. Matthews, M. 2009. LostAnswers 4(4):82. CELD ID 22921.